Construct an intervention map for a school based nutrition program

This paper is on to construct an intervention map for a school based nutrition program targeting prevention of childhood diabetes, ages 6-12.

Construct an intervention map for a school based nutrition program

1.       Firstly, review the websites below and the attached documents about intervention mapping.  Additionally, construct an intervention map for a school based nutrition program targeting prevention of childhood diabetes, ages 6-12.

2.      Websites to read: Kansas University Work Group on Health Promotion and Community Development. (2009). Community Tool Box: Bringing solutions to light. Lawrence, KS: University of Kansas. Retrieved February 22, 2010, from   See: “Outline and Examples for Developing a Framework, also, Model of Change”.

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3.      Documents to read:  See Attached documents

4.      See Separate Attached Template to Use for the Assignment

School Nutrition Program for Prevention of Childhood Diabetes, Ages 6-12. Now, give at least one example of each below.  References are needed for  the needs assessment, theory, instrument, and also evaluation.
50 points; 10 points each step
Program name (you give it a name)

Step 1:

Firstly, needs Assessment (find a real needs assessment for this program)

Step 2:

Secondly, C (list specific program objectives that are measurable by instruments, surveys, measurements, etc.)

Step 3:

Thirdly, theory and methods/practical strategies (List a theoretical model and its constructs and match each construct to a strategy (methods, activity, etc.)

Step 4:

Fourthly, measurements instrument(s) (State what measurements will be taken and if pre and post or repeated measures or what and how scores are taken and reported in results)

Step 5:

Also, evaluation (Find a program evaluation design and show how you would evaluate using the objectives, theory, methods, etc.  Finally, how will you know if the program was successful and made a difference or not?)

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