Create an application that calculates the total cost of a hospital stay.

Create an application that calculates the total cost of a hospital stay. The application should accept the following input:

– The number of days spent in the hospital

– The amount of medication charges

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– The amount of surgical charges

– The amount of lab fees

– The amount of physical rehabilitation charges

The hospital charges $350 per day.

Create the following functions:

CalcStayCharges – Calculates and returns the base charges for the hospital stay. The is compound as $350 times the number of days in the hospital.

CalcMiscCharges – Calculates and returns the total of the medication, surgical, lab, and physical rehabilitation charges.

CalcTotalCharges – Calculates and returns the total charges.


ValidateInputFields – Checks the validity of the input fields by converting each to a numeric value and checking its range. If any input field is found to be invalid, this function displays an error message and returns a value of False.

Input Validation: Do not accept a negative value for length of stay, medication charges, surgical charges, lab fees, or physical rehabilitation charges.When displaying error messages, use a Label control and specifically name the missing field and the type of data to be entered (integer or numeric).

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