Describe implication for future nonverbal encounters. How do these observations impact your everyday life?

Scavenger Hunt Reports: As said in Chapter 1 of Knapp, Hall, and Horgan (2014), “the need to formally investigate what people do in everyday life becomes quickly apparent when you think about the specifics of nonverbal behavior” (p. 7). The purpose of the scavenger hunt assignment is to investigate a collection of nonverbal behaviors, responses, or observations (rather than one observation as required in the weekly essays) and report on how they support or reject a nonverbal communication proposition. By working on the Scavenger Hunt, you should become more aware of the major role nonverbal communication plays in our everyday lives. Ideas about nonverbal communication can be found everywhere, from daily experience to popular culture.

The objective of the “Hunt” is for you to collect a number of these ideas (a minimum of 3) from a variety of both primary and secondary sources (see examples below). You are to draw a proposition (claim) from the class lectures or readings from the assigned section of chapters, then find data (evidence) to support your claim. Any of the following sources of date (evidence) may be used for your paper, but please do not use any one type more than two times per paper:

  1. Account of personal experience,
    2. Description of scene from a television program or movie,
    3. Photograph,
    4. Copy of information from a relevant web site,
    5. Excerpt of a scene from a novel,
    6. Published cartoon, or
    7. Newspaper account of a true incident.

You will turn in TWO of these reports at the assigned date in the semester schedule, each report being approximately two pages long. Each report should include:
1. Your name (First and Last typed on the top of the paper).
2. Name of the assignment (typed under your name on the top of the paper).
3. The idea or proposition: Clearly state the proposition and then provide a rich explanation.
4. State the type of data you collected—you must have at least 3 pieces of data for each scavenger hunt report.
5. Provide a detailed description of each piece of data (and an image, where applicable).

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  1. Describe in vivid language how each of your data points support your proposition.
  2. Describe implication for future nonverbal encounters. How do these observations impact your everyday life? Do these observations impact how you will interact, nonverbally, in the future?
    These essays must follow APA style using (i.e., Knapp, Hall, & Horgan, 2014) when citing ideas from the text. Please also include page numbers after the borrowed idea or quotation (Knapp, Hall, & Horgan, 2014, p. 234) and end the essay with a reference to the text (see syllabus on required textbook for the proper APA reference style). Additional reference guide assistance can be found using the Purdue Owl website:













Scavenger Hunt Writing Checklist

Please check off each item as you complete your search for these errors in your essay each week. If you find any of these errors, please make necessary corrections before submitting your work by the assigned due date.


Overall writing checklist:

_____ Do not use second person pronouns (you, your, yourself) unless you are directly quoting someone.

You may use any other type of pronoun (me, my, myself, he, him, they, I, etc.).


_____ Do not begin a sentence with a coordinating conjunction (and, but, or, so). You may begin

sentences with words like however or therefore. However, remember to follow with a comma. Ex: However, …….


_____ Do not use contractions (don’t, shouldn’t, I’m, etc.). Contractions should be written as two separate

words (do not, should not, I am, etc.).


_____ Do not use abbreviations for words (TV, rehab, info, etc.). Spell the word out completely

(television, rehabilitation, information, etc.).


_____ Do you use numerals for numbers or do you write the number out as one word? Follow the

following format:


_____ Check your sentences for words that need to be capitalized.


_____ Check your sentences to make sure they are not fragments or run-ons.


_____ Check each sentence to make sure the subject and verb agree.


Assignment components:

_____ Check to make sure you are boldfacing the key terms from the assigned chapters.


_____ Check to make sure that you applied the course content to your everyday life experiences.


_____ Did you draw a proposition (claim) from the class lectures or readings from the assigned section of

chapters? Is it noted in the first paragraph of your essay? Please boldface the proposition



_____ Did you collect at least three (a minimum of 3) ideas (your data) from a variety of both primary

and secondary sources? Did you note your data in your essay?


______ Did you provide detailed descriptions of each piece of data?


______ Properly cite and reference your data sources in APA format.


______ Does your data support the overall proposition (claim) of your paper?


______ Did you describe, in vivid language, how each of your data points support your proposition?


______ Did you describe implication for future nonverbal encounters? How do these observations impact

your everyday life? Do these observations impact how you will interact, nonverbally, in the


______ Is your paper at least 2-3 pages single spaced? Please be sure to fall between the 2-3-page limit

range.  Work hard to condense your thoughts in a clear, concise matter.


APA Format:

_____ Check each sentence to make sure that if you stated a claim, it is backed up with an APA style

intext citation.  See the following resource for intext citations in APA format:


_____ Check to make sure that you cited the textbook, in APA format, within your essay.


_____ Check to make sure that each reference cited in your essay is included in the APA style Reference

section of your essay.  See the following resource for intext citations in APA format:

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