Discuss who would be involved in the response and planning.

Since the killing of Osama bin Laden (OBL), Islamic extremists have directed their hate toward the United States. To “get back” at the United States for OBL’s death, an Islamic extremist group hatches a terror plot to further the holy war or jihad. The group plans to target mainstream religious institutions throughout the United States.

By blowing up major religious sites, the group is determined to create an atmosphere of fear and terror throughout the United States. The plan is to attack places such as St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York, the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels in California, and the Salt Lake Temple in Utah.

St. Patrick’s Cathedral is the largest Catholic cathedral in the United States, which is strongly rooted in Irish Catholic heritage. The cathedral has hosted funerals for police martyrs and firefighters after the attack on the World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.

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Similarly, the Cathedral of Our Lady of the Angels is the third largest cathedral in the world. In addition, many people consider the Salt Lake Temple as the most important Mormon Temple in the world.

The terror group plans to employ explosives on each of these sacred sites during the anniversary of September 11, 2001, which happens to fall on a Sunday. On Sundays, hundreds of people (men, women, and children) tend to gather at these sacred places for worship. Therefore, the attack on Sunday is intended to create mass casualties and to create an atmosphere of fear and terror.

Submission Details:

By Saturday, October 29, 2016, in a minimum of 250 words, post to the Discussion Area your response to the following:

  • Place yourself in the role of a critical decision maker, and discuss the contingency plans to defuse the situation?
  • Discuss who would be involved in the response and planning.
  • Give reasons if you think the death of OBL has made the United States a bigger terrorist target.

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