Electronic Cigarettes and Liquid Nicotine

Please read these instructions carefully!

You will apply what you have learned about scientific literacy, biological literacy and biochemistry to the use of e-cigs to help quit smoking. The PDFs posted on Titanium contains the following articles:

Ritchel, M. (2014, March 23). Selling a Poison by the Barrel: Liquid Nicotine for E-Cigarettes. The New York Times. Retrieved from: https://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/24/business/selling-a-poison-by-the-barrel-liquid-nicotine-for-e-cigarettes.html?_r=3

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McIntosh, J. (2015, July 27). Are electronic cigarettes safe? Medical News Today. Retrieved from: http://www.medicalnewstoday.com/articles/296572.php

For the writing assignment, you need to form an opinion on the following question, develop a logical argument, and support your argument with evidence from the required articles, your class slides & notes, your textbook, and any additional sources you find.

Many people are turning to e-cigarettes in an effort to quit smoking, however e-cigarettes nor the e-liquids used to fill them are regulate. Do you think e-cigarettes and liquid nicotine are a safer alternative to traditional cigarettes overall? Would you recommend the use of liquid nicotine products to someone who is attempting to quit smoking?

· Your paragraph should be no more than 300 words.

· Be sure you cite your sources using APA format.

· You are required to turn in BOTH a hard copy in class and a digital copy to turnitin.com (the link can be found on our Titanium page).

The rubric that will be used to grade the writing assignment is posted on Titanium.

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