How does a paradigm change influence the conceptions or beliefs of scientists in the development of science?


How does a paradigm change influence the conceptions or beliefs of scientists in the development of science?



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For completion of this assignments you MUST read these text below
to complete these reflection. Each reflection should be a minimum of one page. However, they can be more than one page if needs be.

Each reflection must have its own reference if cited immediately after the reflection.


Kuhn, T.S. (1962). The Structure of scientific revolution. Chicago, IL: Chicago Press.

Von Dietze, E. (2001). Paradigms explained: Rethinking Thomas Kuhn™s philosophy of science. Westport, CT: Praeger


Sharrock, W., & Read, R. (2002). Kuhn philosopher of scientific revolution. Malden,
MA: Blackwell Publishers, I

Guided Reflections

Kuhn and Scientific Revolution. Address the following:
What is œnormal science?

What is a scientific paradigm, and how does it function in the ordinary course of scientific research?

Explain Kuhn™s view that it is the œreception of a paradigm that distinguishes what we call scientific communities from pre-scientific schools or traditions in the study of nature

How does Kuhn™s view of science relate to nursing™s scientific work?

Guided Reflections

Explain why Kuhn replaces the notion of paradigm with the notion of a œdisciplinary matrix in the Postscript to The Structure of Scientific Revolutions.

Explain why Kuhn characterizes what he calls œnormal science as a puzzle-solving activity rather than as an inquiry aimed at discovery or at the testing of hypotheses.

Explain Kuhn™s view of the differences between normal and extraordinary scientific inquiry.

Guided Reflections
# 3

Explain Kuhn™s conception of the cumulative nature of scientific knowledge.

This idea follows Kuhn™s ideas of disorganization and chaos before the reorganization in a paradigm shift. Is it possible that with all of the disorganization in nursing and education today, we are in the disorganization phase of structural revolution? Perhaps the nursing and educational leaders are correct in the assumption that the electronic revolution is producing a shift in paradigm for their disciplines

œScientific revolution comes about when one paradigm displaces another after a period of paradigm ”testing.

Address this idea in relation to your own paradigmatic inquiry:

Where does your paradigm stand in this scientific process?

Guided Reflections
# 4

When paradigms change, the world itself changes with them!

Why should a paradigm change be called a revolution?

What are the functions of scientific revolutions?

How does a paradigm change influence the conceptions or beliefs of scientists in the development of science?

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