web design

Help me study for my Html / CSS class. I’m stuck and don’t understand.

ummary of expectations

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Post and create a one-page website for items, 1 – 4 below.

DO NOT ATTACH a ZIP folder with these items in it – create a web page or site. If you have multiple pages and files you will need to attach them all in the forum thread (see below). All content will need to be directly accessible from this discussion forum. You will link or embed any documents or files needed into this web page.*

This assignment, done correctly, shows the accomplishment of learner outcomes 1 – 3. You will also be expected to respond to two of your classmates. This discussion is worth 30 points.

(I made this box with a div style inline CSS rules. border-inline style )

For your theme/plan to be complete you must include in your web page(s):

  1. Website analysis. Explain items 1-6 in the web analysis section below. Don’t forget to also include the name of your website.
  2. Planning table. Plan for 6 pages.
  3. Storyboard or page architecture design (also known as a wireframe)
  4. Create a diagram of the organizational structure of your website. You can create an image or take a screenshot – save it as a .jpg or as a .pdf. You can call .pdf as a link.

I also expect for this web page to be correctly coded and follow web convention.

i will provide acess to blackboard

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