What understanding can we reach from primary sources of evidence as to the nature and practice of kingship at the time of Edwin’s reign as king of Northumbria?

What understanding can we reach from primary sources of evidence as to the nature and practice of kingship at the time of Edwin’s reign as king of Northumbria?

All info based around this period (550-632/3)
The lecturer expects engagement in Historiography around the subject.

Use of primary sources: Bede
The Ecclesiastical History of the English people: oxford words classics
Second online resources
others can be from your own research.
Ideal topics to be covered will be uploaded

All info based around this period (550-632/3)
The lecturer expects engagement in Historiography around the subject.

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Use of primary sources: Bede
The Ecclesiastical History of the English people: oxford words classics
Second online resources
others can be from your own research.
Ideal topics to be covered will be uploaded

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