Engaging All Students Through Academic Games


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Each group of students within a classroom setting is unique and can be filled with diverse students with varying strengths and needs. Engagement plays a huge role in actively getting students to buy-in to the content and the lessons planned. Creating and playing games that emphasize academic content is a great way to encourage learning and engage students in areas of possible struggle.

Part 1: Academic Game

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Select a grade level K-12 and a corresponding Arizona or other state or national math standard from the Numbers and Operations or The Number System domain.

Design a math game to teach or practice the performance described in the chosen math standard for students in an inclusive classroom setting. You may submit a written description of the game, or design your game online using a free program, such as Kahoot. If you create an online game, you must provide the link to your instructor.

Your game should include the following:

  • An engaging name and concept to peak student interest
  • The chosen math concept throughout the game and incorporate a second curricular content area
  • Clear, step-by-step directions on how to play the game and share how the lesson would be differentiated along with accommodations and accessibility for students with disabilities
  • Roles and responsibilities of the teacher and students in setting up, playing, and finishing the game

Part 2: Rationale

Once your game or description is completed, compose a 250-500 word rationale reflecting on the following:

  • How the game aligns to your chosen math standard.
  • How the game engages students with and without disabilities.
  • How the game teaches across curricular content areas.

APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

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