Paper Assignment

The Capstone Project is designed to provide the student with an opportunity to synthesize knowledge gained from course study throughout the student’s academic career. For this project, you will choose a topic related to your area of study (Health Services Administration or Health Care Management) and complete a Formal Written Report, an Oral Presentation and a PowerPoint Presentation based on your study and research.

Please choose (Claims operation manager) in healthcare.

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  • The final paper should be 15 pages in length, not including title page, table of contents, and bibliography. The body of the report should be a minimum of 4000 words.
  • The final paper should follow APA basic format including 1-inch margins, 12-point Times Roman type, double spaced and standard rules for manuscript preparation.
  • The paper must have at least 6 references that are cited according to APA guidelines including proper in-text citations and a Reference List.
  • The paper will demonstrate the student’s ability to use clear and concise writing at the college level.
  • Paper should include Cover Sheet, Table of Contents, Abstract, Introduction, Body and Conclusion, Reference Page and appropriate visuals, graphs, tables if appropriate.
  • The paper should encompass the course materials learned throughout the student’s bachelor-level academic career. It should address a topic that affects or is related to the Healthcare Administration or Healthcare Management.
  • (Optional) Speak with someone at the company regarding key issues that you will discuss in your paper, get the inside perspective.

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Paper Assignment

Choose one of the following topics. Prepare a 2-3 page paper, with complete references, on the topic chosen. Analyze and explain the issues involved, benefits, disadvantages and any recommendations you would offer to a financial manager when considering this subject.

Topical Paper Assignment


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Choose one of the following topics. Prepare a 2-3 page paper, with complete references, on the topic chosen. Analyze and explain the issues involved, benefits, disadvantages and any recommendations you would offer to a financial manager when considering this subject.




  1. Defining the Right Amount of Cash to Have on Hand
  2. Cash Management Models
  3. The Baumol Cash Requirements Model
  4. The Stone Cash Management Model
  5. The Miller-Orr Cash Management Model
  6. What to Do with Cash on Hand
  7. The Range of Cash Management Services Offered by Banks
  8. Advantages and Disadvantages of Repurchase Certificates
  9. Appropriate Short Term Investment Securities
  10. Efficient Management of Cash Balances
  11. Compensating Balances


Marketable Securities



  1. Commercial Paper
  2. Bankers’ Acceptances
  3. Repurchase Certificates
  4. Treasury Bills
  5. Short-Term vs. Long-Term
  6. Forecasting Maturity Requirements


Accounts Receivable


  1. Selling Via Major Credit Cards
  2. Practices, Procedures
  3. Benefits and Disadvantages
  4. Lockbox Operations and Practices
  5. Evolution of Lockbox Technology
  6. Wholesale and Retail Lockboxes
  7. Processing of Payments Using Lockboxes
  8. Using Accounts Receivable as Collateral
  9. Electronic Payments – Sending, Receiving, Processing
  10. From the Payment Perspective
  11. Individual Consumer
  12. Corporate or Business Customer
  13. From the Commercial Receipt Perspective
  14. Reserves for Bad Debts – Rules and Regulations
  15. Bad Debt Recognition
  16. Choosing Appropriate Credit Terms
  17. Enforcing Credit Terms
  18. Collecting Accounts Receivable on Time
  19. Factoring
  20. Assessing the Creditworthiness of Customers
  21. Reporting Credit Information
  22. Reporting Consumer Credit
  23. Reporting Commercial Credit
  24. Credit Reporting Agencies
  25. Consumer Credit Reporting Agencies
  26. Commercial Credit Reporting Agencies

Topical Paper Assignment (continued)




  1. Inventory Control Procedures
  2. Radio Frequency Identification (RFID)
  3. Wal-Mart’s Retail Link System
  4. Wal-Mart’s Cross-Docking System
  5. Benefits and Disadvantages of Safety Stocks
  6. Consignment Inventories
  7. Managing Non-Traditional Inventories
  8. Service Businesses
  9. Professional Services
  10. Consumer Services

iii.         Case Study: Be Our Guest

  1. Transportation
  2. Airlines
  3. Trucking Companies
  4. Other – Must Be Approved by Professor Sherman
  5. Hotels
  6. Restaurants

vii.        Theaters

viii.       Other – Must Be Approved by Professor Sherman

  1. Educational Institutions
  2. Cycle Counting Practices – Benefits and Issues
  3. Do We Need an Annual Physical Inventory Count?
  4. Integration of Inventory Processing
  5. Field Warehousing


Accounts Payable


  1. Processing Accounts Payable
  2. Managing Vendor Relations
  3. Negotiating Purchase Terms
  4. Electronic Payments


Notes Payable


  1. Short-Term Term Loans
  2. Revolving Lines of Credit
  3. Contrasting Term Loans and Revolving Lines of Credit
  4. Using Short-Term Debt for Long-Term Needs
  5. Collateralizing Notes Payable – Which Assets Are Appropriate and Why?
  6. Alternate Sources of Financing


Other Topics


  1. Letters of Credit
  2. Purchase Order Financing


Entrepreneurial Funding and Financing List


  1. Bootstrapping
  2. Personal Credit Card Financing
  3. Friends and Family
  4. Crowdfunding
  5. Angel Financing

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