Power point assignment

PowerPoint Assignment


The PowerPoint presentation must be a minimum of twelve slides (not including Title Page), must include graphics, a printed hand out and a copy of your speech or speaking points.  The handout (summary/flier) should be at least one page. It should contain pertinent information about the presentation and be visually engaging. 

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PowerPoint presentations must be a minimum of twelve slides (not including Title Page), must include graphics, a printed hand out and a copy of your speech or speaking points.  The handout (summary/flier) should be at least one page. It should contain pertinent information about the presentation and be visually engaging.  In a clear, succinct, and user-friendly manner include the information the viewer would need to remember about the presentation.


  1. The presentation should be at least 12 slides not including the Title Page.
  2. The Power Point should include graphics and a chart (if appropriate).
  3. You must include a handout or summary of pertinent points. It must be at least one page and no longer than two. It must be visually appealing. Save this as a separate PPT document and submit it in the “PowerPoint Presentation” assignment area.   The purpose is to give the viewer something to remind them of your presentation and remember the most important points.
  4. You may also include a short summary of your speech that would accompany the presentation. This need not be long. A paragraph explaining the details and elaboration you would provide orally. (unless you are using a voice over or sound).

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Power Point Assignment

Answer the following Questions (1-20) in complete sentences if it is short answer. If it is multiple choice, highlight or write the letter of the one correct answer


  1. A memo contains all of the following except:
  2. summary
  3. conclusion
  4. subject line
  5. enclosure line


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  1. List your major here, and give a topic of a blog you might write for your department.


  1. What is considered the most formal correspondence and why according to our class discussion?


  1. What type of resume do you personally have and why?


  1. Applications/programs available to make an online portfolio include
  2. wix
  3. word
  4. power point
  5. canva


  1. How are you a problem solver?


  1. June got all As in Math, held a job as a Publix cashier, and had an internship at the zoo. She’s applying to be an accountant at a firm who want s a trustworthy, good listener, who’s customer oriented. Explain why she has the skills for this job.



  1. Any of the following may be a proposal deliverable except:
  2. people
  3. goods
  4. research
  5. services


  1. Describe a solicited versus unsolicited proposal.



  1. List the structure(5 Parts) to a proposal


  1. The following are types of field reports:
  2. site studies
  3. directives
  4. inspections
  5. maintenance


  1. In what patter will your progress report be written? Explain.




  1. Give an example of a directive topic.



  1. What does M O P stand for in descriptions?



  1. Write an instructions’ title in gerund format,


  1. Why are materials’ lists required for instructions?


  1. How many key points should a speech have?
  2. 1 or 2
  3. 7 or 8
  4. 1 to 3
  5. 3 to 5


  1. Why introduce yourself when giving a speech?



  1. Explain why visuals matter in a speech.


  1. Draw or insert a photo of a power pose.



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