Role development of the family nurse practitioner

This final course assignment is to reflect on the APRN role, particularly the role of the FNP, and discuss the value of the role to the health of the nation, and if you desire, the health of the world. Reflect on everything you have learned in this course and discuss what has made the greatest impact on your development as an FNP. Since this is a reflection, this should be written in first person and does not require scholarly references. If you choose to include any references, they should be formatted according to APA. Include a cover page. There is no page limit.

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Role development of the family nurse practitioner

This final course assignment is to reflect on the APRN role, particularly the role of the FNP, and discuss the value of the role to the health of the nation, and if you desire, the health of the world. Reflect on everything you have learned in this course and discuss what has made the greatest impact on your development as an FNP. Since this is a reflection, this should be written in first person and does not require scholarly references. If you choose to include any references, they should be formatted according to APA. Include a cover page. There is no page limit.

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