London School of Business Operations and Strategic Management Paper

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Operations, Strategic Management and Personal Development


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Operations and Management


Evaluate the role of systems and operations management

Performance Criteria


1.1 Explain the strategic importance of operations management to organisations.

Operational efficiency and strategic operations: time, resources, budgets; external analysis, e.g. PESTLE; links and differences between operations management and strategic planning; The 3 E’s: economy; efficiency and effectiveness; efficiency (thrift) versus effectiveness (quality).

1.2 Analyse the operations functions of selected organisations.

Operations function: the management of resources for the production and delivery of goods or services; the role of OM in achieving strategic objectives; activities of core functional areas and their interrelationships; differences and similarities between services and products; impact of environmental issues; impact of ethical behaviour; role of the supply chain.

1.3 Evaluate the significance of the five performance objectives that underpin operations management.

OM performance objectives: cost; dependability; flexibility; quality and speed; internal and external benefits of excelling in each performance objective; trade-offs between objectives.


Evaluate the role of quality management in business excellence

Performance Criteria


2.1 Analyse a range of approaches to quality management and its improvement in organisations.

Measurement of quality: systems documentation, comparisons with past performance/ competitors/industry standards/benchmarks; quality circles, TQM, six-sigma etc.

2.2 Evaluate the quality of systems and operations in selected organisations and identify possible improvements.

Product/service/procedure improvements; staff consultation and engagement; continuous improvement; customer satisfaction.


Evaluate the role of IT in supply chain management.

Performance Criteria


3.1 Explain how information systems can benefit supply chain management.

Components of supply chain management: order processing; e-procurement of products/services; logistics, including supply and transport; handling of goods and the fulfilment function; role of IS in improving supply chain.

3.2 Analyse the advantages of e-procurement for supply chain efficiency.

E-procurement: buyers or sellers may specify costs or invite bids; types of e-procurement; web-based ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning); e-MRO (Maintenance, Repair and Overhaul); e-sourcing; e-tendering; web auctions.

3.3 Evaluate the contribution of IT systems to supply chain efficiency in chosen organisations.

Role of logistics services; use of internet to communicate information (availability, delivery, invoices); the flow of demand information to back up the supply chain; Tracking and Radio Frequency Identification (RFID); return mechanisms; payment systems, case studies e.g. Inditex/Zara.…

Strategic Management


Evaluate the role of the strategic planning process

Performance Criteria


1.1 Evaluate the role of organisational values, mission, vision, goals and competencies in strategy formulation.

Role of strategy; missions; visions; strategic intent; objectives; goals; core competencies; strategic architecture; strategic control. Role of strategy; missions; visions; strategic intent; objectives; goals; core competencies; strategic architecture; strategic control.

1.2 Choose an organisation and analyse factors to be considered in strategic planning and monitoring.

Strategic thinking: future direction of the competition; needs of customers; gaining and maintaining competitive advantage; Ansoff’s growth-vector matrix; portfolio analysis. Planning systems: informal planning; top-down planning; bottom-up planning; behavioural approaches; impact on departmental managers, targets, planning techniques-BCG and Ansoff matrices.


Formulate and evaluate a new strategy for a given organisation

Performance Criteria


2.1 Evaluate an organisation’s strategic position.

SWOT analysis; Porters 5 forces; Ansoff matrix.

2.2 Carry out an environmental audit of the organisation.

PESTEL; benchmarks; product positioning; value-chain analysis; demographic influences; mergers and acquisitions; entering new global markets.

2.3Use stakeholder analysis to identify stakeholder needs and influence.

Stakeholder analysis mapping and grids.

2.4 Construct a new strategy for the organisation.


Strategies for market entry; substantive growth; diversification; limited growth; disinvestment; turnaround; evaluation of appropriateness; feasibility and desirability of each alternative strategy.

Personal Development


Evaluate the role of self-managed learning in personal development

Performance Criteria


1.1 Analyse approaches to self-managed learning.

Learning styles: personal preferences; activist; pragmatist; theorist; reflector, e.g. reflexive modernisation theory; Kolb’s learning cycle.Approaches: learning through research; learning from others, e.g. mentoring/coaching, seminars, conferences, secondments, appraisal interviews, use of the internet, social networks, use of bulletin boards, news groups.

1.2 Propose ways to use self-managed learning for own development.

Consider own learning style and needs; consider approaches for own learning.

1.3 Evaluate the benefits of self-managed learning to self and organisations.

Assessment of learning: evidence of improved levels of skill; feedback from others; learning achievements and disappointments.


Evaluate own skills and competencies, and plan personal development

Performance Criteria


2.1 Evaluate own skills and competencies and identify personal development needs.

Skills audit (personal profile using appropriate self-assessment tools); evaluating self-management; personal and interpersonal skills; leadership skills; preferred learning styles; formal and informal learning; mentoring.

2.2 Construct a personal development plan with SMART targets to meet identified needs.

Development plan: current performance; future needs; opportunities and threats to career progression; aims and objectives; achievement dates; review dates; learning programme/activities; action plans; personal development plan.


Create, implement and evaluate own self-development

Performance Criteria


3.1 Construct a portfolio of evidence to show new skills and competencies acquired.

Portfolio building: Certificates and transcripts etc. of new learning; appraisal reports; reflective diaries; feedback from formal assessment tasks; short videos etc.

3.2 Demonstrate time management skills.

Evaluate extent to which planned activities have been completed.

3.3 Demonstrate skills of working with others to achieve group goals.

Demonstrate evidence of ability to work in teams from assessment activities in other units.

3.4 Undertake and document development activities over at least 6 months.

Undertake and record activities from own development plan in a personal portfolio of evidence.

3.5 Reflect on learning against original needs and update the plan.

Reflective account at end of plan.

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