assignmnet accounting

This assignment will broaden your horizons about accounting and Certified Public Accountants (CPAs) and help you hone your writing skills. Begin the assignment by going to the American Institute of CPAs (AICPA) “Start Here Go Places” website at the following URL:
Youâ€ll know you are on the right page if it says “As a CPA, you can…..” Click on “Why Accounting” at the bottom left-hand corner of the page. A list of options under “Why Accounting” comes up on the next page (left-side): Choose each of the tabs labeled “Career Options”, “Salary and Demand”, “CPA Skills”, and “Real-Life CPAs”. Under each tab, find at least three different interesting things which you can discuss in your paper (you will discuss only two, but find three). Each tab is packed with information to read – just a click away! Prepare a double-spaced, typed summary on the website that is no more than 2 pages (anything more than that will result in a loss in points). Proofed, professionally presented work is part of the grade.
In your paper, specifically provide clear responses, separated by clearly defined paragraphs, to the following questions:
What is the Career Options” tab all about? What two things in that tab did you find interesting?
What is the “Salary and Demand” tab all about? What two things in that tab did you find interesting?
What is the “CPA Skills” tab all about? What two things in that tab did you find interesting?
What is the “Real Life CPAs” tab all about? What two things in that tab did you find interesting?
After look at this website, what do you think is its purpose? What did you learn about accounting careers and CPAs which you may not have known before viewing it?
You will not receive full credit unless you have specifically and clearly addressed all of the above questions and followed all of the requirements of the assignment. For questions 1-4, you must explain the two items in detail and provide sufficient information on what you found and why it was interesting. Use the grading grid that follows as a guide to completing the assignment. The assignment will not be accepted late.

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