Capstone Cause And Effect

Capstone Cause And Effect

For this Assignment, you are to explain 3 primary causes and 3 effects from those causes. You will need a thorough discussion of each cause (fully describe the source) and the effects (fully describe who is impacted and how). Following the description of the 3 causes and effects, this narrative should conclude with a final paragraph that briefly summarizes those causes and your reaction to the relationship between these causes and the development of the problem.
(2–3 pages, not including title page and reference page)

  • Write a clearly defined narrative that incorporates the 3 causes and 3 effects and explain how these causes and effects relate to your problem.
  • Explain your reaction to the findings about the causes and effects of the problem.
  • Explain whether you believe these causes could have been prevented and how.
  • Explain which cause or effect you think was most important in leading to the problem and why.

*The focus of this Capstone Project is to explore why schools do not have the necessary resources to help children suffering from trauma and the risk of suffering academically. The social change factor includes how the trauma influences behavior and learning and why the resources are not available.  Capstone problem*


Running head: CHILDHOOD TRAUMA 2

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Childhood Trauma and the Lack of School Support






Schools handle all types of children including those who are traumatized or suffering from traumatic stress. School children who are traumatized can show it through high levels of anxiety and stress, avoidance behavior, outbursts, irritability, absenteeism, aggressiveness, and over-reacting or under-reacting to certain situations and sounds. It is normal that such actions may disturb learning in a classroom environment and attract attention from teachers and other children. However, schools are an important instrument in helping children recover from trauma. According to the National Child Traumatic Stress Network (NCTSN), “When educators understand the risk and impact of childhood trauma and recognize and understand the signs and symptoms of traumatic stress, they can partner with parents and other caregivers as well as medical and mental health providers to provide preventive education and effective interventions for trauma recovery”. It is also the role of teachers to ensure that all students are mentally, emotionally, and psychologically stable to be able to study well and allow a conducive environment for learning. However, schools are not able to achieve this because they do not have the necessary resources to help children suffering from trauma and the risk of suffering academically. The objective of this paper is to examine the reason why schools do not have the necessary resources to support children with trauma.


Problem Statement

Identifying whether a child is traumatized or not is one of the important steps an educator can make in helping a traumatized child. One of the resources that schools lack in dealing with trauma is enough training and experience to identify the symptoms of trauma in children. When an educator does not understand how a traumatized child behaves, it is difficult to know that the child is suffering and take the necessary actions to help them. Lack of understanding of traumatic behaviors can even lead to misdiagnosis and treating different problems in children while trauma affects them and their performance in the classroom. Phifer and Hull (2016) assert that schools have not been provided with the necessary resources to implement trauma informed practices. Teachers are trained on how to handle students but they are not trained on how to deal with traumatized students.

Some actions required from schools in supporting children with trauma require heavy funding which is a scarce resource for schools. Lack of enough funds is also another reason why schools cannot be able to fully support children suffering from previous traumatic experiences. Schools are not well funded to have structures, practices, and data that can support children who are suffering from trauma. Schools need funds in order to;

· To create a culture of emotional, physical, and psychological safety.

· Educate all educators on the effects of trauma on children

· Train all teachers to identify traumatized students.

· Utilizing data to identify the most vulnerable children in school.

There are also no mental health programs in schools that can help in supporting children suffering from trauma. Perry and Daniels (2016) assert that there are a lot of special education children who are traumatized daily and others end up dropping out of school because the schools do not have programs that can help give hope to those children. Again, schools do not have the necessary support from government and private agencies to start up mental health programs that can help relieve trauma in children. There are no supported partnerships with community mental health providers to ensure there are necessary interventions in schools for the safety of children affected by trauma. There is need to take the necessary steps to ensure schools are well-equipped to help and give hope to children who are traumatized.



Perry, D. L., & Daniels, M. L. (2016). Implementing trauma—informed practices in the school setting: A pilot study. School Mental Health8(1), 177-188.

Phifer, L. W., & Hull, R. (2016). Helping students heal: Observations of trauma-informed practices in the schools. School Mental Health8(1), 201-205.

The National Child Traumatic Stress Network

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