Child Development Final Lab Report

You will design your very own creative arts project. This will include your community building ice breakers and closing reflection/discussion.
You will first select a specific age group & conduct some background research on that age group’s developmental abilities (& quote from your textbook or other reputable sources). Then, you will choose 2 main developmental goals (pick from chart in week 5 PowerPoint adapted from SEA) that are the most relevant and that you would like to focus on in the creative arts project you design. [At least one goal must be a cognitive goal. You will complete the template below which asks you to include key process words, reflections questions etc. In addition, you will state how you will accommodate children with special needs and handle disruptions and help children problem solve. YOU CAN USE CUE CARDS & PHRASES FORM CLASS /SLDIES!!!

Part 2- Conduct a 30 minute Demonstration with OUR class (worth 10% of course grade or up to negative 10% if you do not participate equally)

(1) It must have all of the following a creative arts project
? (a) Fun & ENJOYABLE!
? (b) The focus is on providing choices that allow for discovery, & exploration, as the find their unique ?voice? as they create and are creative.
? (c) The focus is on the process (e.g., sensory experience)
o ? with some basic guidelines/container
o ?. not just giving kids a bunch of materials & telling them to draw a picture
? (d) Each child?s final project will be unique (e.g., not replicas of a craft project)
? (e) Set aside time for Reflection about the process
? (f) Have a shared experience & build a sense of community

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(2) You must role play key reflection questions at the beginning, middle, & end of your project.

(3) You must role play THREE (3) scenarios once the class is working on their project. Each member of your group must be the ?teacher? in 1 of the scenarios below:

(a) Show how you will accommodate a child with special needs (place a sign or give a fellow classmate a script to read)

(b) Show how you will help a frustrated child problem solve (e.g., one of you may pretend to be a participant)

(c) Show how you will engage a child is disruptive or disengaged in your lesson (e.g., place a sign or give a fellow classmate a script to read)

(4) After your project demonstration, you will each reflect/debrief about what it was like doing the project (e.g., what you enjoyed, what surprised you, what you would do differently, etc. (5- 7 minutes)

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