differential diagnostic.


Based on the information attached I need to analyze the data and find the diagnostic and 3 possible differential diagnostic. Explain why I  arrived to this conclusion using the form attached



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Answer Each These Questions In A Paragraph With At Least Five Sentences: Include The Question And Number Your Responses Accordingly. Provide A Citation For Each Answer.

  1. Give an example from the book where insufficient testing was a factor in a program error or system failure.
  2. What was one cause in the delay in the completing of the Denver Airport.
  3. Why didn’t the healthcare.gov website work at first?
  4. What is one characteristic of high reliability organizations?
  5. Describe the potential risks of alert fatigue in EHR systems.
  6. What were 2 common factors in both the Therac-25 case and the space shuttle disaster.
  7. What does design for failure mean?

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