Education for Women in the US in the Early to Mid-Nineteenth Century


In the early to mid-nineteenth century, education for women was much different from today. There was bias based on gender. The society believed that women were only well-suited as wives and mothers. This view was reflected in the type of education offered to them. Major disciplines included mathematics, philosophy, astronomy, botany, and chemistry (UCR 00.01.48-00.02.17). Although these disciplines are held in high regard in our today’s society, they were looked down upon back then. In an age where the era of technology had not emerged properly, these courses were only taught to the women to prepare them for motherhood. Therefore, even the few females who received a portion of the liberal education were at a loss of how to utilize it (Solomon 28). However, they are the ones who changed the narrative of educated women.

Liberal education mainly involved rhetoric studies (Solomon 28). Women who undertook such studies grew bold. Rather than settle immediately into marriage, they would take some time to venture into employment. The only work that suited a woman in the society was teaching, which had little status at the time (Solomon 32). It was limited to the elementary level and marred with challenges. These included indifferent school boards, uncooperative parents, and inhospitable communities (Solomon 33). Later on, improvements in printing saw many women become editors, journalists, and fiction writers (Solomon 36). Despite these developments, domestic values were highly regarded. These careers were all seen as a preparation for homemaking. Marriage was regarded as the women’s real profession (Solomon 37). Eventually, many of these educated women would settle into marriage and motherhood. To achieve a happy family, many had to abandon their careers. The few who kept on working risked wrecking their homes as the laws of divorce became popularized.

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Works Cited

Solomon, Barbara Miller. In the company of educated women: A history of women and higher education in America. Yale University Press, 1985.

UCR. “History of Women in Education.” Youtube, Anchored by Brad Pomerance, 29 Mar. 2011,


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