Government Actors: Examining Police and Prosecutorial Misconduct

 REQUIRED  MATERIALS: Norris, Bonventre, Acker (2018). When Justice Fails: Causes and Consequences of Wrongful Convictions. Carolina Academic Press. ISBN 978-1-61163-856-1 RECOMMENDED  MATERIALS: Covey, & Beety (2018) The Wrongful Convictions Reader. Carolina Academic Press. ISBN 978-1-53100-632-7 “Police and prosecutors, wield enormous power in the criminal justice system. They decide whom to arrest, whom to prosecute, and what crimes to charge. They also decide, or at least greatly influence, what the sentence will be through arrest and charging decisions, plea bargaining, or sentencing guideline choices.” Covey and Beety ,2019 adapted. Drawing heavily from your careful reading of the chapter six and the citation above, select three of the following key terms and concepts at the end of the chapter, and develop an essay explaining how each term or concept may contribute to our understanding of how police and prosecutorial misconduct can influence wrongful convictions in America. Secondly, do you agree that prosecutors should be immune from liability under federal statute, 42 U.S.C. S 1983. Why or why not? Key Terms & Concepts • Official Misconduct • Confirmation Bias • Tunnel Vision • Implicit bias • StereotypeThreat • Mass exoneration • Probable Cause • Brady vs Maryland • Absolute Immunity When writing your answer please be sure to consult the rubric as provided in the syllabus. Please be sure to write at least four full paragraphs (not just a few sentences), incorporate critical thinking skills, and depth. In addition, please make sure

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