Identify the diagnostic test(s) or laboratory study(s) you ordered for this patient with the actual or suspected diagnosis (anxiety).

Identify the diagnostic test(s) or laboratory study(s) you ordered for this patient with the actual or suspected diagnosis (anxiety).
Provide evidence-based rationale as to why you ordered the diagnostic test(s) or laboratory study(s) for this diagnosis (anxiety).
Provide an estimate of what each of the diagnostic test(s) or laboratory study(s) you ordered costs in your practicum setting.
How did you interpret the findings of diagnostic test(s) or laboratory study(s) you ordered? For example, what are the pertinent positive/negative findings of the diagnostic test(s) or laboratory study(s) you ordered?
How did you notify the patient of the results of the diagnostic test(s) or laboratory study(s) you ordered?
What follow-up and/or referral to another health care provider are needed for further care of the patient?
Describe what is meant by “cost-benefit” of a diagnostic test.
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