Make-up Historical Reflection on Sarah Winnemucca

Directions for Make-up Historical Reflection.You may create an Historical Reflection in response to content addressed during week 11 and analyze the life and achievements of Sarah Winnemucca; Or you may submit the Historical Reflection from Weeks 5 and or 9, if you did not turn one in for Weeks 5 and or 9.  Support your interpretation using evidence from the module resources.  Do not include evidence from additional sites and resources not included in this week’s resources.

If you choose to complete the Historical Reflection for this week, base your three Gold Nuggets (Part I) on the assigned reading and lecture for this week.  For Part II, prepare a three-paragraph response to the following prompt / question:

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Based upon the lecture and Sarah Winnemucca’s autobiography, My Life Among the Paiutes, how did Sarah Winnemucca exercise agency to achieve her goals amid the challenges of invasion?

(Agency refers to one’s ability to determine their path in life while taking into account barriers and obstacles that restrict their options).

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