Measure the impact that the discovery of the East Dallas oil field had on house prices in Dallas


The title of the proposal is ‘measuring the impact that the discovery of the East Dallas oil field had on house prices in Dallas’ The research proposal must be based on Dallas and must use a dataset our class built of historical house prices in Dallas as part of the data. Instructions form the professor: The research question will use housing prices as a key variable (probably the outcome of interest, in some form). Some students may decide to cover more than one city (but in doing so will use housing price data), while some students may decide to cover some aspect of their chosen city other than housing price outcomes. Each research proposal will be graded on the following four headings: (1) Aim, (2) Objective, (3) Data, (4) Methods. As discussed in lectures, the first section (Aim) will include a summary mention of the most relevant literature for your question (including papers not directly relating to your city, if those are among the most relevant). Please see recent papers in journals such as the QJE or the AER for examples of this section. 

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