Planning Resume

Step 1

Remember you research photo collage from Week 2. Well, it’s time to show what you know about finding information. Do your resume advice research. In addition to LibGuide page and FIU Handshake, you may want to check out a blog or other online source like one of these:

  • Harvard Business Review: Provides articles and essays on work life and management with a focus on improving the practice of management in a changing world.
  • Classy Career Girl:  Anna Runyan provides tips on how to find work you love or create a business you love.
  • Fast Company: Publishes stories on innovation in technology, leadership, world changing ideas, creativity, and design. Written for and about the most progressive business leaders.
  • Brendon Burchard: “No matter how small you start, start something that matters.”
  • Success: brings readers the thought leaders and success experts, both past and present, and reveals their key ideas and strategies to help you excel in every area of your personal and professional life.
  • The Muse: helps workers win at work, from professional advancement and skills-building to finding a job.
  • Penelope Trunk: Writing and providing advice at the intersection of work and life.
  • Glassdoor: covering everything related to career advice along with the latest company headlines.
  • Forbes: Providing news and advice on leadership, careers, and business.
  • Entrepreneur: News on starting your own business, leadership, work life, and franchising

Step 2

Make your list of three DOs and three DON’Ts for building a resume.

Step 3

Write a list-introduction paragraph that you’ll put in front of your list to let the reader know a bit about your research journey and choices.

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Step 4

Be sure that for each item on your three DOs and three DON’Ts for building a resume list that you provide the URL to the original source. Let your readers follow in your footsteps if they want, going back to the source where you found the advice.

Your initial post must be at least 200 words long.

Always read the point distribution and word count specification for discussion board posts — this distribution may be different for later Discussion board post assignments.

Here’s how you’ll be assessed on this assignment:

  • Content: Did you follow all parts of the instructions, including the minimum word count? Is your submission thorough and complete?  (10 points)
  • Quality: Does your post seem to indicate effort? Does it seem like you proofread? If the instructions ask you to make connections, do you? (4 points)
  • Peer Responses: Do you make quality comments on your peers’ posts, paying attention to instructions about commenting? (6 points)


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