What are three security controls you might use to protect customers’ credit card information?

Explain the differences between public, private, and community clouds. What
are some of the factors to consider when choosing which of the three to use?

How do cloud threats differ from traditional threats? Against what threats are
cloud services typically more effective than local ones?

You are opening an online store in a cloud environment. What are three
security controls you might use to protect customers’ credit card information?

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Assume that the information will need to be stored.

Define TNO. Name three types of data for which one should want TNO

How do cloud services make DLP more difficult? How can customers
wishing to enforce DLP mitigate this issue?

You run a website in an IaaS environment. You wake up to discover that your
website has been defaced. Assume you are running a web server and an FTP

server in this environment and that both an application proxy and a firewall sit

between those servers and the Internet. All of your VMs are running SSH

servers. What logs might help you determine how the website was defaced?

What kind of information would you look for?

Describe an FIdM authentication system for which you have been a Subject.
What organization acted as the IdP? What service acted as the SP?

Name three security benefits of FIdM over requiring users to use a new set of

Why is it important to sign SAML Assertions? Why is it not important to sign
OAuth Access Tokens?

In OAuth, what attack does the Client Secret mitigate? Why do you think the
Client Secret is optional for Public Clients?

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