What do the consumption levels of public health services, funding for public health, and provision of services by public health agencies, have in common with the issues of health insurance outlined above?

Health Econ-Forms of Health Insurance
Background info: Health insurance is central to any health care delivery system. The United States currently uses a mixed system of private and public insurance policies available to its citizens, depending upon age and income levels. All forms of health insurance will reduce out-of-pocket expenditures on the purchase of health care services. Out -of-pocket expenditures are typically perceived as the price of the service, and are most important when making purchasing decisions. Insurance plans are most effective when certain conditions are met, groups of insured should be large in number and independently exposed to the risk in being insured against, losses should be accidental from the viewpoint of persons insured. In the case of health insurance, assuming an accidental nature of health incidents is often not valid, and leads to difficulties. The violation of this assumption may be classified under the heading of “moral hazard”.

Instructions: 2 page 11pt Times New Roman font with 1 inch margins and 1.5 spacing. AMA style format

For this assignment provide your insight and opinion as to how large of a problem moral hazard poses to costs associated with health insurance and health care expenditures in general.

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What do the consumption levels of public health services, funding for public health, and provision of services by public health agencies, have in common with the issues of health insurance outlined above?

Articles for Reference:

  1. The Myth About Medicare’s Low Administrative Costs by Avik Roy: https://www.forbes.com/forbes/welcome/?toURL=https://www.forbes.com/sites/theapothecary/2011/06/30/the-myth-of-medicares-low-administrative-costs/&refURL=&referrer=#56d7ee935338

  2. Health Care Costs & the Moral Hazard Problem by Russell Korobkin: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/volokh-conspiracy/wp/2014/03/10/health-care-costs-and-the-moral-hazard-problem/?utm_term=.39981346f8b2

  3. Moral Hazard in Health Insurance: Are Consumer Directed Plans the Answer? by Douglass Farnsworth: https://lawecommons.luc.edu/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?referer=&httpsredir=1&article=1171&context=annals


Cost Problems

Provides opinion on the problem moral hazard poses to costs associated with health insurance and health care expenditures and supports opinion with reputable evidence

Consumption Levels

Discusses what the consumption levels of public health services, funding for public health, and provision of services by public health agencies, have in common with the issues of health insurance outlined in the first question and supports claims with reputable evidence

Writing Mechanics

Paper is organized, professional, and contains no grammatical errors


All cited sources are incorporated into student’s writing appropriately. All citations are in proper AMA style.

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