What do you believe was the CEO’s rationale behind hiring a process consultant to guide communication within the board of directors and also sending them on a retreat to do so?

What do you believe was the CEO’s rationale behind hiring a process consultant to guide communication within the board of directors and also sending them on a retreat to do so?

“Adopting and Implementing a Policy Governance Model” discusses the mergers of two hospitals with different philosophies of governance. Compare the two philosophies of governance. Explain why the CEO suggested starting with the organization’s mission statement as a strategy for eliminating the divide between the two merged boards of directors. What do you believe was the CEO’s rationale behind hiring a process consultant to guide communication within the board of directors and also sending them on a retreat to do so? Identify at least one method of communication implemented by the CEO which helped facilitate the accomplishment of organizational goals. Evaluate the effectiveness of this method.

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