What norms govern the expression of emotions in that job?  

Newman discusses the role of “institutionalized” emotions in our everyday working lives.

I’d like you to begin by thinking about either your current job or a previous job that you’ve held.  What norms govern the expression of emotions in that job?   In other words, are there certain emotions that are acceptable in certain circumstances?  Are there certain emotions that are somewhat (or completely) off-limits at your workplace?  Are you supposed to display certain emotions, and then hide or conceal others?  Describe the “institutionalized emotion norms” at your workplace. (If you have never had a job, what norms govern the expression of emotions in your role as student?)

Second, do you think these emotional display norms vary by gender? In other words, is it more acceptable at your workplace for women to display different emotions than men?

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Next, can you imagine any other jobs that might have stricter “emotion norms” than the one you described above?

And finally, is all of this a “good” thing or a “bad” thing, in your opinion?

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