a blood sugar/glucose monitoring watch designed for diabetes patients

follow the writing guidelines and APA stylewrite a marketing plan for a national (USA) launch for the following product: a blood sugar/glucose monitoring watch designed for diabetes patients (the design of the watch allows for minimally-invasive means of measuring blood glucose every hour and reporting to user via a smart phone app. The plan should show: (a) introduction and product/service description, (b) target market segment(s)’ demographics and psychographics as well as needs and wants relative to the product/service, (c) presumed cost to make/buy/provide the product/service, (d) mark up for retail or sales price for service, (e) market size (in units or service elements), (f) profit/loss for product/service including estimated administrative costs, (g) distribution/transportation issues, and (h) pro forma profit/loss for the first year.

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