A study of China s entrepreneurship policies for university students

1.LITERATURE REVIEW (at least 1,500 words)
Ten relevant research-based books, journal articles etc and/or relevant official publications, not textbooks, need to be critically reviewed as a discursive mini-essay.
Key research findings need to be examined compare and evaluate research findings presented in the research literature.
Relevant concepts, models and theories need to be appraised discuss key conceptual and theoretical approaches used in the research literature.
Key arguments, debates, issues, etc need to be assessed.
Gaps in the research literature need to be identified.

Please present references after first part

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2.METHODOLOGY REVIEW (at least 1,500 words)
Two relevant research-based books and/or journal articles need to be critically reviewed the two research-based publications can be selected from the ten publications reviewed above.
The research design and methods underpinning the two pieces of research need to be examined outline the research design and methods of each piece of research; assess the strengths and weaknesses of the research; compare and evaluate their research methodology; critically reflect on the research methodology used.


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