Summary of the Documentary: The French Revolution


King Louis XIV- Monarchy

Louis XVI- Marie Antoinette from Austria

Louis XIV had lost the seven year war in North America draining France’s finances. The population was increasing and needed more resources. Finally the King dies. Louis the XVI

The new age of enlightenment inspired by science and literature. Undermined monarchy. Was also inspired by the American war of independence. Louis wants revenge for grandfathers death. investment in the war strained the resources. Marie was also a spendthrift with unnecessary ceremonies, gambling, staged plays, and strange hairdos. Still, they have not produced an heir to the throne. This makes her unpopular. Art portrayed her as promiscuous.

Bad harvests and deregulation raises cost of flour hence bread. A charge is leveled against the loyals. Maximilien accusses the loyals of spending too much leaving little for the peo ple. Louis attempts to an economic reform by introducing taxes. This only burdens the poor while nobility don’t pay. The weather makes it worse in 1788 with harsh cold. Flour was the essence of life. Bread was the measure of existence. The cost of flour skyrockets. Hunger turns to rage culminating in riots. Louis hires a finance minister, Jacques Necker, popular with the people.

Traditional estates representatives called in 175 years. Clergy, nobility, third estate (97%). May 4 1789, maximilien as a deputy stands before representatives estates general to speak for the third estate. Lawyer. Robespierre demands 2 estates pay taxes. Deputies start being silenced. They open the national assembly. July guards sent to overthrow rebellion. Bastille prison. Firing of finance minister inspires more revolt. Killing of bastille governor and mounting of his head on a pole. Is it a revolt, no it is a revolution.

The national assembly pens a charter called the declaration of the rights of men. Classes abolished and all men considered as equal. They demand constitutional mornachy, equality and justice. Oct 2 1789. Shortage of bread. The women from marketplaces took their complaints to the king. Also called The women’s march on Versailles, October march. Louis agrees to sign the declaration of the rights of man. The crowd demands that they move to Paris. May 1791.  France is now a constitutional mornachy. Louis power decreases. He decides to make a run and look for allies to fight the revolution to the border of Austria. He is arrested and taken back to Paris. The king was viewed as a traitor. Power shifts to the revolutionaries. Robespierre demands an end to slavery and end to death penalty. Guillotine comes up with a new device for instant death. Fearing attacks by members of extended family, assembly declares war on Austria. Prussia joins Austria. Aug 1792 crowds attack king and queen. French republic is born. Justice minister motivates people to go to frontier war. Prisoners are attacked , September massacre leaves over 1600 dead. Robespierre stands to guide the revolution. Decides that France will put its king on trial. Many wanted to king. He is found guilty of betrayal and sentenced to death. Jean-Paul Marat keeps calling for people to be killed. He believes that chopping of heads will make things alright. July 1793, (sharot code (sic)) comes to kill marat. Gives him a pretense list and stabs him on the chest. He is silenced. She is executed. Marat was considered a legend. Marie Antoinette is jailed. She was tried later. On oct 15. Accused of high treason and even incest with her son. She is sentenced to the guillotine. Regarded as the last queen of France. Sept 1793. France is being torn apart. Enemies such as Britain took an apportunity to attack France. The reign of terror began. Marshal Law is declared and constitution suspended. Any suspected betrayal is sent to the guillotine. 12 man cousel is formed to consolidate power. Robespierre emerges as the fierce voice and as a proponent of  power.

Dechristianization is proposed. The church is seen as powerful. The Christian callender is replaced. Months are renabled and broken to 3 weeks. 10 day week removed Sunday. 100,000 are killed. Napoleon Bonaparte. The terror achieved its goal. 1794. Robespierre associates terror with virtue. Food is better. Dentonise. Robespierre launches the  great terror. Wants to replace the Christian God. He is arrested. The deputies declare him an outlaw. His attempted  suicide fails. He becomes a victim of the guillotine. The terror dies with Robespierre. Five years passed before power consolidated at the hands of Napoleon Bonaparte. Some say the revolution continued to the nineteenth century. How much violence is justified. The revolution has inspired many nations to rise for liberties from Russia to latin America .


Maximilien Robespierre


Socialism and Fascism




Socialism and Fascism share some characteristics but are entirely different in other ways. The two ideologies took shape in reaction to what was viewed as the faults in liberalism. Socialists, who preceded fascists, criticized liberal democracy for the inequalities that had emerged among the people and in advanced nations. Fascists, on the other hand, believed that the tenets on which liberalism was based were incorrect. Hence, we can compare and contrast socialist and fascist criticism of liberal democracy and their visions on how best to govern a nation.

Criticism of Liberal Democracy

Both socialism and fascism disagree with the liberals’ view on individualism. In a liberal democracy, society is made up of individuals who look out for their self-interests and adopt a laissez faire policy to pursue profits privately. This view is criticized by socialists, who believe that people are social creatures and must work in cooperation to achieve liberty and prosperity (Ball et al. 123). Fascists criticize individualism from the viewpoint of nationalism. This is the belief that people fall into distinct groups that form nations (Ball et al. 191). Gentile notes that in fascism, an individual finds a purpose and fulfillment in obedience (Gentile 292) According to the fascists, the nation takes precedence over the individual and it is only by coming together as a nation that true liberty can be experienced. Although both fascists and socialists are against liberalism, they differ in several other aspects. One of these is elitism.

Elitism is the view that society should be governed by a few elite individuals. Liberal democracy, on the contrary, maintains that people should govern themselves through a representative government led by democratically-elected leaders. For fascists, this idea is unacceptable. Elite theorists of the early twentieth century believed that society is, and will always be, ruled by a small group of leaders (Ball et al. 193). Subsequently, famous fascists such as Benito Mussolini of Italy adopted this ideology and implemented a totalitarian government. Socialists, on the other hand, support democracy, but in a different sense than liberal democracy. While liberal democracy is marked by policies that facilitate capitalism, socialist democracy allows the government to hinder capitalism in the quest for a classless society (Ball et al. 124). Besides elitism, fascists and socialists criticize liberalism on the issue of equality.

Liberalism calls for equality and freedom. This was the view of the classical liberals when they demanded minimal government interference and economic competition for all. However, during the industrial revolution, inequalities emerged as a consequence of capitalism. The rich steadily grew richer while the working-class was overworked, underpaid and poor. Socialists believe that such inequality should be corrected. They, therefore, call for equality of common people collectively, rather than that of the individual (Ball et al. 125). They believe this can be achieved through fighting capitalism. Fascists, on the other hand, find equality unnecessary and, at times, even distasteful. To them, equality promotes individual freedoms at the cost of the glory and greater good of  the nation. This disdain for individual equality and freedom is captured in Mussolini’s famous slogan “believe, obey, fight” (Ball et al. 187). Gentile addresses this issue by stating that for fascism, freedom has no importance except in the context of the state (Gentile 293). Hence, both socialist and fascist ideologies are against liberalism based on equality and freedom, but in quite different ways.

A study of the criticisms makes it evident that socialists and fascists are opposed to liberal democracy. Socialist and fascist views on individualism, governance, and equality do not resonate with the liberal political ideology. Fascists and socialists have their own vision of how best to govern a nation and are guided by the end goals of their ideologies. The socialists’ end goal is to fulfill human needs through such means as will ensure that all workers get a fair share of the product (Ball et al. 126). For fascists, the end goal is to obtain power and glory for the state (Ball et al. 199). One similarity between the two is that more power and authority rest with the government for the collective good in a socialist economy, and national glory in a fascist regime.

The Vision of How Best to Govern a Nation

Totalitarianism is the mode of governance for fascists and, in many ways, for socialists as well. Socialism requires that the state should own and control property for collective benefit (Ball et al. 123). Such control is exercised by a centralized or decentralized government. The result is a society where the government has the power to plan, manage, and coordinate the country’s economy (Ball et al. 124). Fascist governments, on the other hand, vest power in a few elites or even one individual to lead the nation to more power and glory. The people are expected to follow the vision of the leader without question as was the case with Nazi Germany under Hitler. Such kind of governance is, therefore, plainly dictatorial. Fascist leaders also use apparatus such as educational institutions and communication systems to control the masses (Althusser 143). One difference between fascist and socialist governance is the main agenda of each of the governments.

Socialist governance is mainly aimed at the economy. By controlling and coordinating economic activities, socialists believe that they can eliminate capitalism and the ills that result from it. This is meant to ensure freedom for all. On the other hand, the main agenda for fascist governments is achieving more power for the nation. This was proved by both Mussolini and Hitler who were obsessed with creating empires. For these fascists, the economy was not a major agenda. Mussolini’s Italy, for instance, was filled with corruption (Ball et al. 200). Ardent notes that fascism is all about a movement accompanied by terror to achieve an agenda dictated by an individual (Arendt 310)

Another contrast between fascist and socialist governance can be seen in their views and treatment of differences in people. Both apartheid rule in South Africa and Nazi rule in Germany had one thing in common: people are not alike (Ball et al. 190). This motivated the discrimination against the blacks by Afrikaners and the Jews by “Aryan” Germans. Many fascists, including contemporary ones, believe that whites are a superior race to others such as blacks. Therefore, it is common for fascist governance to discriminate based on race and ethnicity. Socialist governance, on the other hand, is devoid of such concerns. Rather than focusing on nationalism, socialists focus on social class divisions which they insist must be eliminated.

Finally, it is important to look at the liberties that these governments assure their people. Socialists aim for the freedom of the community while fascists place a premium on the nation’s freedom. Socialist governments work to facilitate freedom, at least in theory, in the form of a fair share of the profits, fulfilling work, and equal opportunities to develop talents (Ball et al. 125), and achieve this by taking full control of the economy. Fascists view liberty in a completely different light. According to fascists, true freedom and fulfillment can only be achieved by serving the state (Ball et al. 199). Hence, fascist governments demand the unwavering and unquestioning loyalty of the people.


Socialists and fascists, similar in some ways and different in others, developed as a reaction against the political ideology of liberalism. Hence it is possible to compare and contrast their criticism of liberal democracy. These two ideologies formulated what they considered the best way to govern a nation, while avoiding the pitfalls of liberalism. However, history has shown us that these ideologies, which favor an all-powerful state, take control and become restrictive and dictatorial in the name of the greater good of the people and have not been successful or endured for long. On the other hand, even liberal democracies aid and assist citizens through welfare schemes and processes that are undeniably socialist in essence. This information enables us to understand why fascists such as Hitler committed unspeakable atrocities, why Russia indulged in socialism, or even question whether capitalism is the best social, economic and political system of governance.

Work Cited

Althusser, Louis. “Ideology and ideological state apparatuses (notes towards an investigation).” The anthropology of the state: A reader, vol.9, no.1, 2006, pp. 127-186.

Arendt, Hannah. “Ideology and terror: A novel form of government.” The Review of Politics, vol.15, no.3, 1953, pp. 303-327.

Ball, Terence, et al. Political Ideologies and the Democratic Ideal. Taylor & Francis, 2016.

Gentile, Giovanni. “The philosophic basis of fascism.” Foreign Affairs, vol. 2, no. 6, 1927, pp. 290-304.



‘A man is judged by his character.’ This is one of the wise quotes that have held meaning since time immemorial. This quote overlooks other outward qualities such as strength in favor of the principles that one holds dear. Stories of men who lacked good character have been told in various fields such as religion and folktales. Their end is always disastrous. On the other hand, people of character are always admirable. A study of Haruki Murakami’s short story “Super-Frog Saves Tokyo” reveals the importance of character. It tells the heroic story of a giant frog who is on a mission to save Tokyo from a deadly earthquake. It will involve a fierce battle that requires only the best participants to be chosen. However, as the story unfolds, it is revealed that the battle does not only require strength, but also good character. The Story “Super-Frog Saves Tokyo” shows that moral character is more valuable than physical strength.

One of the qualities Frog values Katagiri for is courage. Katagiri is a collection officer for the Tokyo Security Trust Bank, which is not a job for the faint-hearted. It involves getting his hands dirty in the field as he pursues defaulters. To make matters worse, he has to collect debts within the dangerous neighborhood of Kabukicho, which is rife with violence[1]. Despite such a harsh working environment, Katagiri is not shaken, even after he receives death threats. His courage inspires Frog to choose him to fight the deadly battle with Worm. Frog realizes that this battle requires courage, something that even he, Frog, lacks when he admits that he is frightened.

Another reason that informs Frog’s decision is the deep respect he has for Katagiri. He reveals that he has been keeping an eye on Katagiri as he goes about his daily activities. Through the years, he has seen him readily undertake the most dangerous tasks without much appreciation from his colleagues or superiors[2]. Despite that, Katagiri has never complained. He has also extended the same qualities to his family as shown by his sacrifices to raise his two siblings single-handedly and educate them. Despite all this, the two who are now grown-up show no respect for their selfless benefactor. Even so, Katagiri has no complaints about their behavior. Frog finds such a selfless character respectable and is proud to go to battle with Katagiri, since the fight with Worm will provide no glory to either himself or Katagiri.

Frog finds Katagiri’s kindness admirable, which is one of the reasons he chooses him. Katagiri’s selflessness in raising his siblings at the expense of his time and income proves this virtue. This kindness costs him his marriage prospects, and yet, he goes ahead and arranges for his siblings’ marriages. No appreciation is accorded to him despite such praiseworthy actions[3]. Frog knows that the battle with Worm requires such a level of selflessness. It is a battle without glory; one that requires them to put their lives on the line without anybody knowing that they have done so. Thus, selflessness is required virtue in the one chosen for the battle.

Frog believes that Katagiri can offer the encouragement that he needs to fight Worm. He makes it clear that he does not expect the middle-aged, inactive Katagiri to fight the battle. Frog is prepared to do all the fighting. However, given that the battle is tough and scares him, he knows that he needs someone to keep cheering him on to fight the good fight. Katagiri fits this description. He is identified as a man who has a passion for justice and everything right[4]. Over the years that he has worked for the bank, he has performed his duties diligently, unafraid of threats from loan defaulters. He is not shaken by the hardcore criminals of Kabukicho. Frog hopes that Katagiri can extend this passion into the fight, and thus help him win it.

Katagiri has earned Frog’s trust. Out of the millions of people, Frog has identified him as the most trustworthy person[5] in Tokyo. His resolution is not made merely by guesswork but rather by thorough observation of Katagiri’s life through the years. To defeat Worm, Frog acknowledges that he does not only need a fighting partner, but also a person he can trust to have his back. He recognizes the importance of mutual trust as is shown by his actions. He does not merely convince Katagiri to join him in the fierce battle; rather Frog assists him in collecting a debt that has proven a headache for his new friend. This earns him Katagiri’s trust, which is essential for the fight.

Although Katagiri lacks physical strength, he possesses other qualities that lead Frog to choose him for the battle. These include Katagiri’s courage which has been proven through effective discharge of his duties despite the harsh working environment that exposes him to grave dangers. Also, Frog has a deep respect for the unappreciated debt collection officer who carries out difficult duties without thirsting for recognition. Katagiri’s kindness to his siblings further amazes Frog. Despite being strong, Frog needs encouragement in the battle. He believes Katagiri can provide this due to his passion for justice and all that is right. Finally, out of all the people in Tokyo, Frog trusts Katagiri the most as his fighting partner against Worm.


Murakami, Haruki. “Super-frog saves Tokyo.” In After the quake: Stories (2002): 111-140.

Welch, Patricia. “Haruki Murakami’s Storytelling World.” In World Literature Today, 79, no. 1 (2005): 55-59.


[1]. Murakami, Haruki. “Super-frog saves Tokyo.” (After the quake: Stories, 2002), 115.

[2]. Welch, Patricia. “Haruki Murakami’s Storytelling World.” (World Literature Today 79, no. 1, 2005), 59.


[3]. Haruki, “Super-frog saves Tokyo”, 117

[4]. Ibid., 118

[5]. Ibid.


Comparison of iOmniscient, NOJA Power, Apple Inc. and Huawei

The process of developing new products and services differ from one organization to the other. In other words, the strategies, as well as the approaches used, tend to vary from one organization to the other. In this paper, a detailed comparison of the product development process in iOmniscient, which is based in Sydney, and NOJA Power, an organization based in Brisbane is discussed. Also, similar processes in Apple Inc. based in California and Huawei in Guangdong, China are looked at as well. iOmniscient is an independent analytics organization. The organization has recently extended is comprehensive analytic capabilities to offer artificial intelligence analytics that include smell, sound, as well as the human reasoning behind any video. It is worth noting that the technologies have been proven and implemented by governments as well as commercial users in more than fifty nations across the globe (Yu et al. 2011). Since the organization has around forty international patents, it has been specializing in the usage of cases that excel in complex, crowded, and realistic environments, and offering solutions to more than thirty different industries.

NOJA Power`s vision is a world-leading organization in medium voltage outdoor switchgear. The company has employed over 300 employees across the world as a whole. Recently, the organization has moved towards achieving the vision of installing 50,000 NOJA Power OSMs in more than 87 nations across the globe. These are advanced three-phase automatic circuit reclosers. Since its foundation, the organization has been fueling growth by offering innovative, robust, safe, and environmentally-friendly products to all their customers worldwide. The products are globally recognized for being of the highest quality and durable under all conditions. The factories are based in Brazil and Australia, with test facilities to ensure that the products distributed are of good quality.

Apple Inc. boasts of over 132,000 employees across the globe as of the end of its fiscal year 2018. In the same financial year, this company is reported to have sold over 217 million devices worldwide. Apple Inc. applies a simple but detailed market segmentation technique which has enabled the tech giant to acquire a global market. Additionally, they have opened Apple stores in almost all the continents to have a wider consumer base (Statista, 2018). Huawei, on the other hand, has an estimated 188,000 employees worldwide. In the year 2018, they managed to follow Apple Inc. closely behind with sales volume of 206 million devices. The company has a worldwide market share of 9.02% which falls far behind Apple Inc. which has managed to command 22.17% (Owler, 2019).

Core Products and Services

With more than forty patents, iOmniscient has been offering unique technologies that are ahead of their time. In other words, the organization has been quite innovative in coming up with various technological devices that fit modern society. For instance, the company has been rated as the best organization providing CCTV services. The other merit of the company is that it makes products capable of analyzing videos and songs such that one can identify the feelings or rather the sounds behind the scenes. The organization aims at spreading their services to more than 100 nations across the globe. NOJA Power, on the other hand, has been supplying RC controls as well as communication cables. The RC controls are critical in the sense that they provide protection, enhance data logging, and communication functions using a single device. One of the merits of the products is that they have been tested by independent laboratories to ensure that they are safe and are friendly to any environment. Currently, the company serves over 87 nations across the globe. There are prospects of widening its service boundaries to more than 100 countries around the world.

Apple products range from iPhones, iPods, watches, to computers known as MacBooks and Macintosh among several other similar products. The tech giant also offers services such as iTunes. It is, therefore, a technology company mostly dealing in electronics and software. The company targets global consumers of mostly ages 18 to 45. Apple Inc. is not shy about pricing, hence majority of their products target high income earners. In terms of innovation, the company is considered the most innovative in globally. They have committed to a culture of innovation which has enabled the company to introduce game-changing products such as iPhones and iPads. Huawei products include smartphones, dongles, computers, and TVs. The company also offers broadband network consultancy services. Huawei has previously targeted the low-tier market with affordable prices for developing countries. However, in a bid to beat their competition Apple, the company is quickly moving to target consumers from developing nations. They are convinced that such markets will bring bigger profit margins and increase their market share. Similar to Apple, Huawei is also highly committed to innovation. Recently, the company established the Institute of Strategic Research, in an effort to enter a new phase of innovation.

Competitive Advantages

One of the aspects that maintain competition in the market is the art of being unique. The art of providing quality products and services uniquely plays a critical role in increasing the monopoly power of an organization. Also, they provide other products such as face recognition in crowds, detection of lost objects, as well as the identification of perpetrators of vehicle theft and vandalism (Berman et al 2009). On the other hand, NOJA OSM has designed a stand-alone device that has been integrated with the distribution of automation as well as remote control schemes through its inbuilt communication capabilities. Its di-electric nature, as well as the in-built user configuration distribution, increases its profitability as well as its safety aspect. Apple has managed to be highly competitive due to its innovative products. They are constantly introducing new technologies into the market which always keeps the consumers eagerly waiting for the next release. This greatly contributes to customer loyalty. Huawei’s success is attributed to its ability to offer elegant devices at affordable prices to the consumer. The company’s products are, therefore, very popular in low and middle income regions.

Competitive Market Position

The two companies, Apple and Huawei, closely follow each other in terms of competition. Apple has a wider market share compared to Huawei, allocating them at second and third positions respectively behind Samsung. Hence, the two companies are close challengers. Although, they offer related products, Apple Inc. has a niche in that its products are highly innovative. This is an attribute which Huawei hopes to attain. One of the aspects that have allowed iOmniscient to solidify its marketing position is the fact that is has pioneered Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques that have paved the way for a creation of a paradigm that analyzes data from complex and crowded environments, providing real-time responses. Meanwhile, NOJA has been keen on ensuring that all their products are safe for human use. Also, most of the products produced by the company are environmentally-friendly.

Opportunity Identification

iOmniscient identified their opportunity by looking at the products that were serving in the market. After careful study, they noticed the need to introduce unique products that would fill the gap in the civilian defense sector. The organization used the fundamental aspects of life to add a new product that would do more analysis. NOJA Power, on the other, had identified their opportunity in the market by considering the safety as well as the reliability of the products in the market. Their main aim behind issuing a new product in the market was to increase the security of electricity supply (Van der Linde, 2016). Apple Inc. was started at a time when there was a need to develop computers with a simpler user interface. The company, therefore, started with computer sales. Later on, apple realized a niche in market and introduced the iPod, which set it apart in the industry. Later on when the era of smartphones was ushered in, Apple saw the need for high-end products for its consumers leading to iPhones. Huawei Company was also driven the need for better technology, which was lacking in the 1980’s. in terms of product innovation charter, their products undergo several stages including product protocol, sales forecasting, concept testing, and concept generation.

Idea and Concept Generation

Product Idea Conception

At the start, iOmniscient had some difficulties in introducing their product into the market. This was linked to the fact that most people in the market were not ready to receive this kind of technology. However, the organization introduced the product in the market by first educating their potential customers on what was possible and what was not. Similarly, when NOJA Power was introducing their product in the market, the reception was not well, as potential customers were not ready to receive such kind of technology. Very few clients understood the technology behind the products introduced into the market. The first product was sold in China, and since then, the market has been growing to serve more than fifty industries across the globe (Birtwhistle, Saha & Islam, 2019). Unlike iOmniscient, and NOJA Power, Apple and Huawei do not experience much difficulty introducing their products into the market. Both the companies have already built their reputation and established a loyal customer base. Furthermore, their products are not new into the market, but rather an improvement of existing products.

Creativity Building and Nurturing

iOmniscient used the typical perception of a human being to develop products. Human beings smell, listen, and speak in response to the issues affecting them. Thus, the organization utilized artificial intelligence to develope a system that can perform video, smell, and sound analysis at once. On the other hand, NOJA power has developed a mission statement aimed at providing the best services to their customers (Stefanov, 2011). Creativity and innovation have been embraced as a culture in Apple. It is at the core of the company. Innovative business models have been put in place to ensure innovative products. Huawei is also currently embracing this norm with a research institute having been established

Developing the Product

Apple’s Products are market driving, given that their technologies are game changers. They manage to introduce technology that consumers did not even know they needed before. The new concepts are hence developed in the sequence of technology, need, and then form. This is in contrast to Huawei, who are not as innovative and hence are market driven. Their concept developing sequence is need, technology, and then form. When iOmniscient organization joined the market, the current product was primitive and less reliable. The practice of utilizing motion detection system made the product less effective. Thus, as the organization was venturing into the market, its central role was to fill in the gap and offer a long-lasting solution to the issues of analysis and detection. On the other hand, as NOJA Power was being formed, the problems of safety and reliability were of great concern. Thus, the organization engaged in several research studies aimed at improving the safety of the product and guaranteeing security to the customers. Environmental pollution was also a leading issue. Thus, there was a need to develop a gear that was safe and friendly to the environment.

Concept Testing

One of the ways iOmniscient has been utilizing to test the eligibility of their products is through seminars and participation in competitions. This approach has been proven to work by companies such as Microsoft, Huawei, and Iscor. On the other hand, NOJA power uses various world standards to check the reliability of their products. Such measures include the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standards and the National Electrical Code (NEC) that are dominant in Europe and America, respectively. The technology industry is highly competitive. It is, therefore, no surprise that both Apple and Huawei are quite secretive in their concept Testing. This ensures that their competitors do not get hold of their new technology formulas

Testing Finding

iOmniscient used a different approach in testing the eligibility of her products. The organization has been comparing its services with other players in the market such as Microsoft to identify how unique their products are. NOJA power also has been trying to follow all the testing procedures to check on their eligibility. In most cases, the result of the testing is positive. The results from the lab work in the Netherlands have been suggesting the need to increase the safety measures and ensure that the IEEE standards are maintained at all levels. The concept of sending the product to a laboratory and using the various rules of operation for manufacturing products indicates that the organization has been responsible enough to do a full screening of its products (Birtwhistle, Saha & Diverall, 2015). The testing process of products in Apple and Huawei is very secretive. However, both the tech companies have online platforms, where consumers can offer feedback on already released products. This may then be considered in the next product development.


In a nutshell, the companies identified a problem or gap in the market and utilized technology to create products aimed at offering solutions. For iOminiscient and NOJA Power, the customers were not willing to accept such kind of techniques at first. However, through well-organized seminars and consumer education, these organizations have been dominating their respective industries. The identification of gaps in the market as well as the development of a mission statement are the primary reasons behind the continued dominance of these companies in the technology sector.


Berman, S. T., Greier, P. F., Ho, K. C., Kaufman, R. I., Lanzetta, A. P., Mastro, M. P., … & Wright, S. L. (2009). U.S. Patent No. 7,492,821. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Birtwhistle, D., Saha, T. K., & Diverall, B. (2015). Two-part synthetic test procedures for the testing of medium-voltage load break switches. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery31(4), 1645-1654.

Gunes, H., & Pantic, M. (2010). Automatic, dimensional and continuous emotion recognition. International Journal of Synthetic Emotions (IJSE)1(1), 68-99.

Islam, A., Birtwhistle, D., Saha, T. K., & Islam, M. S. (2019). Interruption of Low Voltage DC Arc in Air under Axial Magnetic Field. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery.

Owler (2019). Huawei’s Competitors, Revenue, Number of Employees, Funding and Acquisitions. Retrieved from

Statista (2018). Apple’s number of employees in the fiscal years 2005 to 2018 (in 1,000s). Retrieved from

Stefanov, S. Z. (2011). Quantum/Relativistic Computation of Security and Efficiency of Electrical Power System for a Day-Ahead. arXiv preprint arXiv:1111.0808.

van der Linde, M. (2016, September). Using iec61499 to achieve smart grid automation through interconnected distribution reclosers. In 2016 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

Yu, C., Zheng, X., Zhao, Y., Liu, G., & Li, N. (2011, August). Review of intelligent video surveillance technology research. In Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Electronic & Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology (Vol. 1, pp. 230-233). IEEE.




The process of developing new products and services differ from one organization to the other. In other words, the strategies, as well as the approaches used, tend to vary from one organization to the other. In this paper, a detailed comparison of the product development process in iOmniscient, which is based in Sydney, and NOJA Power, an organization based in Brisbane is discussed. iOmniscient is an independent analytics organization. The organization has recently extended is comprehensive analytic capabilities to offer artificial intelligence analytics that include smell, sound, as well as the human reasoning behind any video. It is worth noting that the technologies have been proven and implemented by governments as well as commercial users in more than fifty nations across the globe (Yu et al. 2011). Since the organization has around forty international patents, it has been specializing in the usage of cases that excel in complex, crowded, and realistic environments, and offering solutions to more than thirty different industries.

NOJA Power`s vision is a world-leading organization in medium voltage outdoor switchgear. The company has employed over 300 employees across the world as a whole. Recently, the organization has moved towards achieving the vision of installing 50,000 NOJA Power OSMs in more than 87 nations across the globe. These are advanced three-phase automatic circuit reclosers. Since its foundation, the organization has been fueling growth by offering innovative, robust, safe, and environmentally-friendly products to all their customers worldwide. The products are globally recognized for being of the highest quality and durable under all conditions. The factories are based in Brazil and Australia, with test facilities to ensure that the products distributed are of good quality.

Core Products and Services

With more than forty patents, iOmniscient has been offering unique technologies that are ahead of their time. In other words, the organization has been quite innovative in coming up with various technological devices that fit modern society. For instance, the company has been rated as the best organization providing CCTV services. The other merit of the company is that it makes products capable of analyzing videos and songs such that one can identify the feelings or rather the sounds behind the scenes. The organization aims at spreading their services to more than 100 nations across the globe. NOJA Power, on the other hand, has been supplying RC controls as well as communication cables. The RC controls are critical in the sense that they provide protection, enhance data logging, and communication functions using a single device. One of the merits of the products is that they have been tested by independent laboratories to ensure that they are safe and are friendly to any environment. Currently, the company serves over 87 nations across the globe. There are prospects of widening its service boundaries to more than 100 countries around the world.

Competitive Advantages

One of the aspects that maintain competition in the market is the art of being unique. The art of providing quality products and services uniquely plays a critical role in increasing the monopoly power of an organization. iOmniscient company has been rated as the best organization in offering analytics services. Also, they provide other products such as face recognition in crowds, detection of lost objects, as well as the identification of perpetrators of vehicle theft and vandalism (Berman et al 2009). On the other hand, NOJA OSM has designed a stand-alone device that has been integrated with the distribution of automation as well as remote control schemes through its inbuilt communication capabilities. The device is a reliable di-electric, and therefore provides a controlled arc fault that enhances more safety. In other words, its di-electric nature, as well as the in-built user configuration distribution, increases its profitability as well as its safety aspect.

Competitive Marketing Position

One of the aspects that have allowed iOmniscient to solidify its marketing position is the fact that is has pioneered Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques that have paved the way for a creation of a paradigm that analyzes data from complex and crowded environments, providing real-time responses. Also, the utilization of artificial intelligence enables the system to have a high level of accuracy as well as a low false alarm rate even in complex situations.  The art of bringing together different videos, smell and sound analytics technologies has been the primary reason for its continued dominance in the industry (Gunes & Pantic, 2010). Meanwhile, NOJA has been keen on ensuring that all their products are safe for human use. Also, most of the products produced by the company are environmentally-friendly. The other aspect that boosts the marketing of the products from these premises is that their industries are located in Brazil and Australia, where several tests are done by independent laboratories to confirm their safety.

Opportunity Identification

iOmniscient identified their opportunity by looking at the products that were serving in the market. After careful study, they noticed the need to introduce unique products that would fill the gap in the civilian defense sector. The organization used the fundamental aspects of life to add a new product that would do more analysis. The application of artificial intelligence allowed the organization to do sound, smell, and video analysis at once. This aspect was aimed at changing the response that people in case of danger. The organization identified that the product that was in the market was utilizing motion detection, which can’t work in a crowd or a complex environment.

NOJA Power, on the other, had identified their opportunity in the market by considering the safety as well as the reliability of the products in the market. Their main aim behind issuing a new product in the market was to increase the security of electricity supply. They identified the opportunity and came up with an R-control system that is critical in ensuring that the power is provided in a safe environment (Van der Linde, 2016). Pollution was also a factor that had been considered in the development of new products by the organization. For instance, in the manufacturing of electric cables and switch gears, NOJA power has been avoiding the utilization of oil as the ignition lubricant. Thus, the company has developed switch gears and cables that avoid contamination.

Idea and Concept Generation

Product Idea Conception

At the start, iOmniscient had some difficulties in introducing their product into the market. This was linked to the fact that most people in the market were not ready to receive this kind of technology. However, the organization introduced the product in the market by first educating their potential customers on what was possible and what was not. After nineteen years of being in the industry, a lot of companies including Microsoft have adopted the technology. The other aspect that was affecting iOmniscient’s establishment in other nations was the consumers’ lack of confidence in their products. However, after the technology was well-received in the UK, they began serving a larger market.

Similarly, when NOJA Power was introducing their product in the market, the reception was not well, as potential customers were not ready to receive such kind of technology. Very few clients understood the technology behind the products introduced into the market. The first product was sold in China, and since then, the market has been growing to serve more than fifty industries across the globe. This was achieved through research and marketing (Birtwhistle, Saha & Islam, 2019). The study aimed at providing solutions to the issues of reliability and safety that were being introduced into the market then.

Creativity Building and Nurturing

iOmniscient used the typical perception of a human being to develop products. Human beings smell, listen, and speak in response to the issues affecting them. Thus, the organization utilized artificial intelligence to develope a system that can perform video, smell, and sound analysis at once. On the other hand, NOJA power has developed a mission statement aimed at providing the best services to their customers (Stefanov, 2011).

Developing the Product

When iOmniscient organization joined the market, the current product was primitive and less reliable. The practice of utilizing motion detection system made the product less effective. Thus, as the organization was venturing into the market, its central role was to fill in the gap and offer a long-lasting solution to the issues of analysis and detection. On the other hand, as NOJA Power was being formed, the problems of safety and reliability were of great concern. Thus, the organization engaged in several research studies aimed at improving the safety of the product and guaranteeing security to the customers.

Concept Testing

One of the ways iOmniscient has been utilizing to test the eligibility of their products is through seminars and participation in competitions. This approach has been proven to work by companies such as Microsoft, Huawei, and Iscor. It is worth noting some of these organizations have a security system that is close to the one offered at iOmniscient. Hence, due to its reputation for quality, the company has been offering their services even to such high-profile clients.

NOJA power uses various world standards to check the reliability of their products. Such measures include the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE) standards and the National Electrical Code (NEC) that are dominant in Europe and America, respectively. The organization also spent more than $250,000 a week to send a sample to laboratories in the Netherlands for testing. This is critical in ensuring that the products provided by the company are of good quality and meet all the international standards.

Testing Finding

iOmniscient used a different approach in testing the eligibility of her products. The organization has been comparing its services with other players in the market such as Microsoft to identify how unique their products are.

NOJA power also has been trying to follow all the testing procedures to check on their eligibility. In most cases, the result of the testing is positive. The results from the lab work in the Netherlands have been suggesting the need to increase the safety measures and ensure that the IEEE standards are maintained at all levels (Birtwhistle, Saha & Diverall, 2015).


In a nutshell, both companies identified a problem or gap in the market and utilized technology to create products aimed at offering solutions. At first, the customers were not willing to accept such kind of techniques. However, through well-organized seminars and consumer education, these organizations have been dominating their respective industries. The identification of gaps in the market as well as the development of a mission statement are the primary reasons behind the continued dominance of these companies in the technology sector.



Berman, S. T., Greier, P. F., Ho, K. C., Kaufman, R. I., Lanzetta, A. P., Mastro, M. P., … & Wright, S. L. (2009). U.S. Patent No. 7,492,821. Washington, DC: U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Birtwhistle, D., Saha, T. K., & Diverall, B. (2015). Two-part synthetic test procedures for the testing of medium-voltage load break switches. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery31(4), 1645-1654.

Gunes, H., & Pantic, M. (2010). Automatic, dimensional and continuous emotion recognition. International Journal of Synthetic Emotions (IJSE)1(1), 68-99.

Islam, A., Birtwhistle, D., Saha, T. K., & Islam, M. S. (2019). Interruption of Low Voltage DC Arc in Air under Axial Magnetic Field. IEEE Transactions on Power Delivery.

Stefanov, S. Z. (2011). Quantum/Relativistic Computation of Security and Efficiency of Electrical Power System for a Day-Ahead. arXiv preprint arXiv:1111.0808.

van der Linde, M. (2016, September). Using iec61499 to achieve smart grid automation through interconnected distribution reclosers. In 2016 Australasian Universities Power Engineering Conference (AUPEC) (pp. 1-6). IEEE.

Yu, C., Zheng, X., Zhao, Y., Liu, G., & Li, N. (2011, August). Review of intelligent video surveillance technology research. In Proceedings of 2011 International Conference on Electronic & Mechanical Engineering and Information Technology (Vol. 1, pp. 230-233). IEEE.