Ambitiousness macbeth writing assignment help

Lesson 6: Essay Writing Assignment
Choose one of the following topics and write an extended (500-word, multi-paragraph essay that expands on the chosen topic. Please use all of the steps in the writing process (pre-writing, proof-reading, revising and editing, etc.). In the conclusion of your essay, describe your personal preferences in listening to or watching fiction and drama and explain why it is a classic.Your grade on this lesson is one sixth (1/6) of your grade for this course. If your grade on this lesson is “D” or “F”, you must repeat it until you earn at least a “C”.
Suggested topics from the reading selections in this textbook AND in the separate READING SUPPLEMENTS for this course.
A. Macbeth — Macbeth is the tragic hero of this play by Shakespeare. His tragic flaw is ‘over-reaching ambitionâ€, or being too ambitious. This flaw, combined with the role of both Lady Macbeth and the witches, is what causes his downfall. Discuss how this brave hero and warrior becomes a villain.
B. Beowulf and modern day heroes – Epic heroes are always at the center of epic poetry. They come from upper-class backgrounds, do great deeds, and reflect the values of the society in which they live. They are usually men. Select one or more modern-day heroes, then compare and contrast them with Beowulf.
C. Wordsworth – What kind of poet was Wordsworth? Write about his life and his place in Romantic poetry. Explicate (explain) one of his poems, or compare and contrast a few of his poems.
D. Compare Dr. Jekyll to Mr. Hyde. What happens to Dr. Jekyll when he becomes Mr. Hyde? What scares him, and what attracts him about Mr. Hyde (the darker side of his identity?
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