Boston University Examples of Problems and Successes in Public Group Essay

Describe examples of problems and successes in public groups.


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1. The examples of public groups are Panel discussion, Symposium, forums, and Governance groups.

Panel discussion is that several people interact about a common topic to educate, influence, or entertain an audience. Symposium is that group members present short, uninterrupted presentations on different aspects of a topic for the benefit of an audience usually followed by a forum. And forums are that provides an opportunity for audience members to comments or ask questionis.

Especially for forums, we are the most accessible group form on the Internet. Sometimes called an icon of collective intelligence. The most successful example may be Reddit. Reddit participants can ask and answer anyone in various fields. Quite a few questions get answers to their questions, and sometimes they get better information than they want. It also boasts a very good database due to the accumulated activities of participants. But what’s the problem? Is this information reliable? Many of the answers provide a basis for their answers. Attached is a newspaper article, thesis, or other related material. However, many other answers provide false information, fabricated information, and biased information. especially on social and political issues The biggest problem with this is that exposure to such information makes it difficult for people who do not have sufficient information on a particular issue to have an accurate or unbiased attitude toward There is also a possibility that it is an answer to make use of it. In sum, the most successful part of the forum is that it is very easy to access various questions and answers in almost every field, and the answers are also quite high in quality and large in quantity, and the disadvantages are likely to be maliciously distorted, and those exposed are likely to have a biased attitude toward special issues. Fortunately, many Reddit participants are trying to fix this misinformation if they find it.

2: Public groups are all organizational entities with statutory or authorized Public power to manage public social affairs, providing public goods and services, safeguarding and realizing public social interests. Public groups should include government and non-profit organizations. In social life, there are some organizations whose purpose is to serve the interests of individuals or individuals better. Their actions will not directly or affect other organizations or individuals, such as economic organizations. However, there are some organizations whose purpose is to serve the public. Their behavior will have a direct impact on other organizations or individuals. Such organizations are what we call public organizations.

Both administrators and delegated administrators can create civic groups, and everyone in the organization is free to use public groups. For example, an administrator can create a group for a program that assembles groups. Then, all employees can use this group to share records about the program. Through this public group, employees can create arbitrary discussion groups according to the company departments and projects, achieve multi-person chat, file sharing, multi-person voice. It provides a convenient platform for employees to communicate and share ideas.

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