Completely summarize an article with correct English grammar and accurate spelling

Completely summarize an article with correct English grammar and accurate spelling (15 pts), but must also contain sufficient critical analysis (15 pts) to earn full points (30 total pts). Critical analysis of a research paper requires critical or original thinking, which is expressed as a combination of the following: a brief synopsis of the experiments performed, description of deficiencies in the experimental design, comparison of experimental approach with other work, statement of the strengths of the paper, re-interpretation of results, suggestions for future experimentation based on results, and a critical review of authors’ conclusions. Critical analysis of a review paper also requires critical thinking, expressed as a combination of the following: a brief synopsis of the main point of the review, recognition of a specific point of view or bias in presentation of experimental findings, a short list of related topics that could be tied to the review subject, and what the connection is. All journal article reviews must include a single statement of the main finding(s) of the paper, whether it is a research or review paper.

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