Describe the background information the reader will need to understand your proposal.

Evaluate the importance of public policy for nutrition services.
Advocate for the provision of food and nutrition services in public policy development.

Write a proposal for a nutrition program you created in your Unit 6 Assignment.

This will be a continuation of the draft proposal you created in the Unit 8 Discussion. You will expand upon the proposal letter, and try to convince the person you contacted to implement your nutrition education program on a wide scale. Some things to consider when writing your proposal:

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State the purpose clearly at the beginning of the proposal.
Define the problem and why this issue is of importance in your community.
Describe the background information the reader will need to understand your proposal.
Include an outline of the nutrition education program you created in your Unit 6 Assignment. You want to include enough information on the program you created so they understand how it will be set up.

2 pages in length, and include at least one reference.
APA format and in-text citations and a reference page to attribute each source.

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