How does confused affect to the pain management and WHY in relation to the case then supported with examples reasons and evidence. .


How does confused affect to the pain management and WHY in relation to the case, then supported with examples, reasons and evidence. .



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Bob Wells is an 82-year old male who has returned to the orthopaedic ward yesterday following internal fixation of his right hip. Mr. Wells fractured his hip when he tripped and fell in the long-term care facility where he lives. His vital signs have been stable but he is having difficulty maintaining attention and appears to be somewhat confused. His daughter tells you that he is ˜normally as clear as a bell™ and ˜always coherent™.  He has an epidural infusion in situ with low doses of bupivacaine and morphine.

Outline the key strategies that you would use to manage Mr. Wells™ pain effectively giving arguments for your key points, which are supported by evidence from the literature.

Please follow the structure below to write this assignment:

“  Introduction (100 words):

¢Â Â   What you are writing about (ie. clarify the topic)
¢Â Â   What your position/point of view is on the topic (sometimes called the thesis statement)
¢Â Â   Indicate its significance or importance
¢Â Â   Delimit/clarify the scope of your discussion on the topic (where relevant), and
¢Â Â   Provide a summary of the key points/arguments that you are going to make in support of your perspective/position

(Introduction also must include:Explain the case and address two issues in this case study.  Describe the main strategies (non-pharmacological interventions and pharmacological intervention) for nurses to use in the pain management for elderly people with confused in fracture hip.
Issue 1: pain management of fracture hip in elderly patients
Issue 2: pain management of fracture hip in confusedpatients)

Body (1300 words):

The body of your paper should outline your position/point of view on the topic, step by step:
¢Â Â   Each paragraph within the body of the essay argues one major point/argument in the development of your overall position (although some points may consist of a number of sub-points, each of which will need a paragraph)
¢Â Â   The main point in each paragraph needs to be clearly stated in the form of a topic sentence, which is then supported with examples, reasons and evidence

Issue 1:  Body Paragraph 1 (300 words):

How dose elderly affect to the painmanagement and WHY in relation to the case, then supported with examples, reasons and evidence. So I think a little more research about the elderly patient following surgery and pain management may give you some further ideas.
Also you should write some information like how to assess the pain in elderly to relate any discussion about pain management back to a Nursing focus as well as the case.

Issue 1: Body Paragraph 2 (350 words):

Addressone Non-pharmacological intervention and one pharmacological intervention.

(About pharmacological intervention you should write some information includes: are there any alternative pharmacological pain management medications that would be more appropriate than what the patient has at the moment?)

Issue 2: Body Paragraph 3 (300 words):

How does confused affect to the pain management and WHY in relation to the case, then supported with examples, reasons and evidence. . You really need to link these back to why is this patient now confused¦what might be causing this, is it the pain management he has already.  Also, you should put assessment scales before interventions and also relate back to nursing and the significance of providing correct pain management to the confused patient.

Issue 2: Body Paragraph 4 (350 words):

Addressone Non-pharmacological interventionand one pharmacological intervention.

(About Pharmacological intervention you should write some information includes: are there any medications that would need to be avoided and if pharmacological interventions needed what ones would be best? Is the medication he is having causing the confusion? Or is it something else? )

Conclusion (100 words)

Your conclusion should provide 3 things for your reader:
¢Â Â   A restatement of your main argument
¢Â Â   A summary of the most important points discussed/evidence presented
¢Â Â   Some evaluation of/reflection on your overall argument, eg. implications or consequences for practice, future research, education etc.

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