How gender affect the ways money is earned, invested, spent by individuals & in corporations?

How gender affect the ways money is earned, invested, spent by individuals & in corporations? Discuss in relation to the making & unmaking of private/public duality that has been vital in post-Enlightenment masculinities & Femininities eg. mig

This is the full question for the essay:
How does gender affect the ways that money is earned, invested and
spent, both by individuals and in corporations? Discuss in relation to
the making and unmaking of the private/public duality that has been
vital in post-Enlightenment masculinities and femininities as they are
performed in specific sites of practice such as companies, boardrooms
and migration flows.

This paper/subject called Anthropology of Money
So it should be related to the people in term of gender and money

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Gendered Money: Masculinities, Herstories and

These are the references that you need to use in the essay:

Melissa Fisher. 2006. Wall Street Women: Navigating
Gendered Networks in the New Economy. In Melissa Fisher
and Greg Downey (Eds) Frontiers of Capital: Ethnographic
Reflections on the New Economy. Durham: Duke University
Press: 209–236.

Benschop, Yvonne and Hanne Meihuizen. 2002. Keeping Up
Gendered Appearances: Representations of Gender in
Financial Annual Reports . In Accounting, Organisations and
Society, 27: 611–636.

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