Issue with Diversity in the Workforce

In your paper, it should clearly state the reason why you selected this topic (purpose) and what is the one defining problem that I should expect to see addressed in this paper (problem). You will then tell the reader which method you’ve chosen to pursue this research topic (for most of you that would be qualitative) and why you’ve selected this method. Following this section, you will then dive deep into the key findings of your research. Additionally, you may want to dedicate a paragraph to 1 or 2 key findings.

This is the most important part of your paper, so don’t forget to make your claim, provide your evidence, and interpret that evidence for the reader (see below for an example). Once you’ve presented all of your key findings, you will write your overall summary of your research (2-3 paragraphs) and conclude with how you think business practitioners would benefit from your research and lastly, if you had more time, what would you like to pursue further (explain why).

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