What are some pros and cons of the Common Core Standards from your own point of view?

State standards came into existence because there was such a discernable difference in student’s from school to school. If a school was located in a lower class neighborhood the children were scoring way lower than children in a middle or upper class neighborhoods. Teachers and school systems were not held accountable and children suffered.  The standards movement made schools more accountable and set standards across the board that all schools had to follow.

•How do the Common Core Standards intend to affect instruction in schools to meet both learner and societal goals?

Common Core Standards prepare students for the real world and college.  The preparation students will receive will not only give them a chance to succeed in higher education but at life too.  When people are successful and well-rounded we have a better environment for all to live in.

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•What are some pros and cons of the Common Core Standards from your own point of view?

A con is more high stakes testing, teaching by the test can be extremely bad for all involved. A pro is American students will become more competitive on the world stage because common core is internationally benchmarked.

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