What is a Learning Disability? What is Autism? People with ASD can have accompanying Learning disabilities and mental health needs, but not all of them do. (Please include somewhere in the essay)
1. The History of learning disabilities, what are they? How people were treated in the past? To now.
2. Normalisation/ social/medical model/radical/ eugenic model/ John O Brien/ equal citizen approach/Citizen theory/Gift model/ Empowerment.
3. Introduction to Person centred planning?
4. Legal requirements Disability Discrimination Act (2005)
Human rights Act (1998). A life like any other?
White paper Valuing People (2001)
Equality Act (2010)
NHS/ Community Care Act (1990) (2014)
An old government paper on autism???
(The above covers learning outcome 2.)
5. What influences do the above policies have on a day to day basis with a person/or families with a learning disability? Stigma/ discrimination/ social exclusion/ labelling.
6. Explain the Four Key Principles: Rights/ Choice/ Independence/ Inclusion.
7. What is a person centred toolkit?
8. Tools used in Person centred planning- MAPS/ PATHS/ Circles of Support/ Person Future planning/ Essential lifestyle planning. All these apply but only use a couple of examples from them E.G Circles of support/Essential lifestyle planning?
9. Person Centre planning for people on the autism spectrum? What is autism? Why is PCP important for a person with autism? Personalisation. (There needs/ preferences are very Specific to each individual who has this disability, Why?)
10. Planning process SPELL approach.
11. Who should be involved/ included in there care? Family/ Carers/ Professional team- Speech therapists/GP ……..
12. Self-Advocacy- Being involved in their own future, challenges they face? and what assistance is needed with any communication issues (Thinking tools) This covers Learning outcome 3
13. Autism resources/ Adaptions available Talking mats/ pictures/ signing ……
14. How to accommodate specific issues/ characteristics impairments of understanding/ how to behave/communicate in a social situation?
15. Whether desired outcomes of people were improved through PCP model. (The positives and negatives?)
16. Conclusion

Sources to be used: (Please feel free to add there are more in the module handbook)
1. www.autism.org
2. www.BILD.org.uk
3. www.Valuingpeoplenow.dh.gov.uk/
4. www.learningdisabilities.org.uk
5. www.commuitycare.co.uk
6. Person centred outcomes: Journal of intellectual disabilities.
7. The Emergence of person Centred planning as Evidence based practice- Journal of Integrated Care by Helen Sanderson
8. Person Centred Planning Journal of social Work.
9. Working on person centred planning -Journal of intellectual Disabilities
10. Hunter, S. Rowley, D social Work with people with learning Difficulties
11. Tilly, L. Person centred approaches when supporting people with a learning disability
12. Thornes, D Woods, H. Working with people with learning disabilities
13. Grant, G Ramcharan, P. Learning disability: A life cycle approach.(2nd ED)
14. Helen Anderson website.- for PCP Tool kits.
Notes made to help Learning Outcome One

• Normalisation Is a principle that aims for people with Learning disabilities( LD) to experience normal patterns of everyday life, such as living in a normal ordinary road/street/ house/flat and do normal day to day activities.(Wolf Wolfenberger 1960s) #This links to social Valorisation#

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• JohnO Brian (1987) 5 Services of accomplishments of normalisation
1. Community presence take part in community life/ mix with others
2. Relationships Have the right to a valued relationship with a non-disabled individual
3. Choice the right to make choices about ones life.
4. Competence- The right to learn a new skill( help included if needed)
5. Respect to be valued/ not to be treated like a second class citizen.
• Social models Whereby a carer/support worker/ social worker follows a person centred approach to ensure an individual receives the best possible care and support according to their wishes.
Radical disability model- This is an alternative to the social model. It builds on the social one but draws from more recent schools of radical thought, in particular the feminist and critical race theory. To emphasise the role of intersecting oppressions in the marginalization of disabled people, the importance of addressing the topic disability both
• Independently and in conjunctions with the many other oppressions.

• Women/Queer/ Transgender/Poor/ radicalized were all considered to be disabled at some point in history. (Taken from Disability and politics theory/ Book) AJ Withers- can be found online.
• Eugenic model- Eugenics saw the possible improvements of the human race by diminishing problematic people and their behaviour( diagnosing people as problems)
• Equal citizen approach The disability rights commission has a vision of society in which all disabled people can participate in normal life as equal citizens (Human Rights Act) 1998. This approach came into effect in 2000- outcome is more service provisions/inclusion in society and their quality of life.
• Citizen theory Its principles are:
1. A fair society- Whereby we all treat each other as equal citizens
2. Grounds for respect are so defined that everyone can achieve citizenship.
3. Six Keys to citizenship are
4. Authority, direction, money, home, support and contribution. (Duffy 2006)

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