Your response to at least TWO classmates

Can you help me understand this Writing question?

  • Your response to at least TWO classmates should be 150-200 words long and be more than “I agree” or “I like what you said.” Engage in conversation!

Discussion one:

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  1. How did you feel reading through the articles and watching the videos? Were they easy or hard to read/watch? What did you like/dislike about them? What, if any, connections can you make between the experiences of the authors and speakers and your own experiences? (This answer should cover all sources for the week.)

I have trouble reading and recalling what I’ve just read. I’ve read a great paragraph, so I don’t even know what I’ve just read … When somebody else doesn’t read it loudly and I listen, I feel a lot more relaxed and understand 10 and more. I want to be able to read openly in English as I do in my native language, but I can’t understand it instantly whenever I read an English word and can’t help taking a moment and thinking about what it means. I feel so irritated and suffocated by it. Well, well, I found it hard to read them because he could never get my focus. A situation in which the TV show is stronger than the novels. Talking and reading is an activity that is much more difficult to do because more focus and some pronunciation skills are needed. … You have more time to think about reading than to talk and this makes it more difficult to learn. I still have a few preferences and dislikes, like all others. When I’m reading, not only the grammar in English but also the subject must be understood. In direct relation to the amount of joy or pain these things offer us, we usually like or hate things. … In direct relation to the amount of joy or pain these things offer us, we usually like or hate things. Perhaps one of the easiest ways teachers can successfully keep their students involved while fostering equality in the classroom is cooperative learning strategies. The explanation is that it offers learners the opportunity to express their opinions in a non-threatening, non-biased way in a small group setting.

2.Share at least two points that stood out to you from the materials we’ve covered in Week 4 and 5?

Bettina Love | “Hip Hop, Grit, and Academic Success”

Create and encourage students and principals within their schools and communities to address inequality. And the Abolitionist Teaching Network was co-founded by Dr. Love.

Paulo Freire | Chapter 2 of Pedagogy of the Oppressed:

But Freire states that certain students may come to understand that their learning is in contrast with their innate drive for liberty. Educators who really want to support marginalized people should not wait for this to happen, as fellow students, they can work together with oppressed people to attain conscientious together. Freire, however, believes in the willingness of people to convert, to figure out why they contribute to and then commit to reforming an oppressive system.

3.What was your biggest A-HA moment or takeaway? (This can be from any of the sources or involve all of them.).

Freire indicates that marginalized people often take a “fatalistic” view of their situations since they have been taught that their misfortunes are the result of forces (like God or fate) that are out of their control. The oppressed consciousness continues to be detailed by Freire, noting that oppressed people frequently feel disconnected from society and undervalue themselves. In the last few years, they have Before we came to America, I suffered from situations of persecution in my country, Iraq, just as we used to say that what happens to us is a possibility from God or fate. But I started to adapt to life in America after a while, and I began to realize that the world will change for the good.

4. This question is optional, and thus you do not have to answer it to receive full points. Do you have any questions for me or your fellow classmates about any of the materials we have covered this week? (If you have questions from your Annotation Worksheets, you can post them here.)

The question to students :

What are the stresses you have experienced?

Discussion two:

When I was reading the materials, I felt very emotional if I am being honest. I can relate so much to every single one of the articles and videos. It was not that they were hard to watch, but it was hard to accept the fact, that they were talking about me. I am a child that falls under pretty much all the categories. I liked everything about them, I am glad that there are people, who genuinely care about these kids and want to see them succeed. It makes me happy that there are educators that are highlighting the unfair and weird system education is built on. I can relate to Duckworth’s speech on grit the most. I have gone through obstacle over obstacle but here I am persevering through it all. There were times and days that I thought I was never going to see over the side of the mountain, but slowly I am getting to the top. I also enjoyed Love’s talk on Hip hop. It is one of my favorite genres because of lyrical geniuses behind it. If you really think about it, these are poets.

The first point that stood out to me was how much resources low income students and people of colors have. In First Generation, the student struggled to figure out their own way of making it to college. All these students never had someone to tell them to go to collage or to help them in signing up for college. College prep begins way before senior year. If you do not have the support system, to lead you in the correct direction from early on, it seems like it is impossible. On top of that, they are also met with external factors like monetary issues and lack of parental figures in the picture. Another point that stood out to me was Dr. Dweck’s thoughts on the two different types of mindsets. Which is fixed and growth. Fixed mindset is thinking you are born with all the intelligence you have, and you can never attain more. While growth mindset is thinking that by constant, active learning, you can become a smarter individual.

My biggest takeaway from all of week 4 and 5’s reading was that the only way out is through. Having grit and optimism for my own future will help me succeed. The only way out of poverty and low socio-economic status for a person of color is education. Not just the thought of obtaining the piece of paper but the thought of growing your mindset and realizing what your potential can be. Even though the journey might be a million times tougher for me, does not mean that it is not doable. All the speakers expressed a ton of optimism for us through the text. They also expressed passion for this subject. It is comforting to know that people are opening their hearts and minds to different viewpoints on education. Like I have stated before, I do not feel like education should be a one size fits all, in reality, it is a one size fits most.

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